WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/04/2016 07:12 PM CST
Paladin with mid/high 130s in all defences, mid/high 120s weapons, measly 115 evasion/skinning.

Still several ranks I can get in evasion and skinning here, weapons are about to hit a slowdown as they're at 127-129.

Buffs I keep up are: DA, SR(VI), HES, AA, Cour, RW.

I was looking at heggarangi boars as a potentially good option, but I'm open to suggestions.
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/04/2016 07:19 PM CST
I've always been a fan of mutant togballs. Hibi is cool, and they're fun to hunt. Especially if you can get access to a bless spell. They're cursed/undead but not non-corp so you don't need it, it's just extra damage.

But I also did the boars on a thief, and they're good. You should be fine either place, given Paladin high durability. If you can't hit them, a snap of stun foe should cure that.
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/04/2016 07:30 PM CST
Togballs look like a good pick, also I like Hib better than Throne, and it looks like Hara has boars mixed in with arzumos? I've heard that there was a good hunting ladder in that area, looks like after Togballs I might be able to get a few ranks in Maiden's Tresses and move on to blight ogres, unless the ranges are wrong on the wiki(which seems to be pretty frequent for the rank cap at least.)

As far as blessed I have Holy Warrior, but I've read somewhere that it's best to get a few spell feats before making heavy use of cyclic spells.
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/04/2016 07:43 PM CST
Just a word of warning about tresses: They don't move from room to room, so you'll have to wander around to find them as you kill them or hope one happens to spawn in your room every time one of them respawns after they despawn. This has the implication that you'll likely only ever be hunting more than one or two at a time, so they're quite safe to hunt but don't teach defences very well.

Note that this is all from my experience hunting them in 2.0, so things may have changed since then.

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Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/05/2016 12:42 AM CST

swamp trolls in riverhaven might be a good fit also. skinning from the sluaghs and boxes also.
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/06/2016 10:31 AM CST
Thugs in the Crossing sewers are great until 150-160, and then you can move to river sprites --> dryads/priestesses after that. All have boxes, but no skins. If you want skinning, you might try vipers/leucros, although that's a trickier transition.
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/06/2016 02:08 PM CST
Dire bears > Vipers > Leucro's
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/06/2016 02:10 PM CST
Paladin with pretty similar skills here, and dire bears, out the Crossing west gate past Wolf Clan, are working very well for me. Elanthipedia has them capping out on defense around 160ish.

And are you actually able to cast Holy Warrior? I went to the trouble to pick up a scroll of Bless instead, since E-pedia has Holy Warrior needing around 250 in magics just to cast...
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/07/2016 12:01 PM CST
As it turns out I cannot cast it yet, it's like Divine Armor all over again heh. Ah well it will be useful and was one of the last spells I was interested in. I think once I get a few more spell slots I'm going to look into beneficial spell feats.
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/10/2016 12:25 AM CST
Turns out dire bears cap out a little higher than vipers now it seems, for anyone interested.
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/10/2016 11:39 AM CST
Depends what vipers your talking about. I'm referring to the thicket vipers by leucro's which cap higher on defense then dire bears.
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/10/2016 05:40 PM CST
I went to check out the thicket vipers by leucros earlier since I was hoping they might move armor/shield etc while I'm waiting for evasion to catch up. Dire bears have my armors 166-168 at dabbling all the time, vipers didn't move them from clear. Dire bears can still lock my weapons at 155-158 and they were moving much slower in vipers. Still lock evasion at 135, but other than that if I had to guess the soft cap for vipers is ~155, dire bears soft cap is exactly 165 from my experience. In either case I'll be sitting here for a few weeks waiting for evasion to get into the 150s or so.
Re: WTH Moving on from Crocodiles 01/10/2016 08:54 PM CST
Yeah your probably right, though I could of swore Dire bears stopped teaching evasion around 150 or so and vipers worked for a bit longer. Maybe Not though.