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Re: F2P Hunting 03/26/2015 09:59 PM CDT
I spent quite an agonizingly long time running in and out of combat, getting healed every few minutes because of getting torn apart. (Helps even less that the silver-backed bears sometimes see dire bears wander in, or even down to the blood wolf area--those are exceptionally painful.) Took some armor classes while being healed. Basically ran between silver-backed bears, fire maidens, and snowbeasts every time I got frustrated with one of the areas, which... was often. Got the ranks to handle them eventually that way, but it was a very tough grind. If I had predicted this gap, I would have built my barb differently (I went for offense, e.g., Everild's Rage, which weakens their defenses but not their offenses).

Yeah, it was doable solo.

It also sucked.

I've bought a pass for this character for now and am enjoying it again, but for a while I just didn't want to do anything. It was aggravating in the extreme, and rather than tempt me to buy a pass for another province that I might have been able to hunt well in, I just wanted to scream at everything (well, I have been playing a barb). More frustrating than tempting for sure. I realize that is my own reaction and not one to be expected from every F2Per (especially ones with better barriers than my character had), but dang.
Re: F2P Hunting 03/26/2015 11:15 PM CDT

I can see why some classes would be frustrated. Clerics are probably better suited because they can layer MPP with MF, get the MAPP bonus, and use sick to keep the adds at bay. I do wonder if the answer is to just hunt with someone else. A bard with the debilitators. An empath working on defenses. Even a paladin with their taunt ability would be helpful.

Out of curiosity, did you cap out your defenses before moving on?
Re: F2P Hunting 03/27/2015 12:53 AM CDT
Yes, I did cap defenses in blood wolves. I actually have defensive skills higher than weapons now (except mastery skills), which feels slightly embarrassing for a barb, although I have no context, maybe it's normal. (Cannot for the life of me lock weapons--they sink in too fast.)
Re: F2P Hunting 03/27/2015 06:56 AM CDT
Question: How do the newly released snake-things in the prydean hub work? Too easy, or same range as the blood/snow/etc.?
Re: F2P Hunting 03/27/2015 08:34 AM CDT
<<Question: How do the newly released snake-things in the prydean hub work? Too easy, or same range as the blood/snow/etc.?

Reports have been that the vipers are too easy to almost just right. As with all WtH questions, this all depends on your character and play style.

There's been enough discussion that makes me believe that one more critter that spans vipers to snowbeasts in Zoluren would be useful.

Re: F2P Hunting 03/27/2015 01:07 PM CDT
My apologies. Wasn't thinking about it from that perspective as I haven't focused on F2P discussions. Doh!

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Re: F2P Hunting 03/27/2015 04:04 PM CDT
The vipers are sadly far too easy, actually. Though they did help fill a niche, it wasn't the one I expected. This was my progression:

musk hogs
scavenger goblins
wind hounds/reavers
copperhead vipers
malodorous buccas
blood wolves
silver-backed bears

The part that was a huge problem was the jump after blood wolves.
Re: F2P Hunting 03/27/2015 04:13 PM CDT

Here was mine:

Death Squirrels
musk hogs
Bone wolves / zombies
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