WTH Bind 07/24/2014 10:17 PM CDT
Hey folks, I'm trying to figure out what to hunt next, I've tried several creatures and either they won't teach me or they're just a little too tough.

I was at sand sprites, but they've completely stopped teaching. Silver leucros were too easy and were barely teaching. Crocs were too tough, snowbeasts were ok, but could't train my magics as a cleric.

My magics are in the 110-120 range.

My defenses are in the 100-110 range.

And my weapons are in the 80's range with my mastery at about 110-115.

I tried Moss Meys. I could kill them fine, but they beat me up a bit when my buffs went down. Oddly, I was learning no weapon experience from them.

I'm trying to figure something out between snowbeasts and crocs.
Re: WTH Bind 07/24/2014 10:59 PM CDT
Piruati Serpents and Thicket Vipers outside of Riverhaven.

You skillfully remove the vanilla cheesecake from your abdomen leaving the wound no worse than it was before.
Re: WTH Bind 07/25/2014 06:57 AM CDT
I'd suggest letting weapons and armor push through the 100-110 rank range and letting magic slow down. You'll be 'losing' TM and Debi, which isn't terrible since they're both already 20-30 ranks above your other weapons. You can continue to train other magics in combat, etc.
Re: WTH Bind 08/20/2014 12:44 AM CDT
Another good option is zombie kobolds in Shard, both the savages and headhunters. They drop boxes and they are undead. Spawn can be slow at times, though I trained my Cleric at about your ranks to 130's in weapons, though this was pre 3.1. They may not teach that high now, but should teach weapons to around 120's. I've spent some time in there training other weapons past 100 post 3.1. After those togballs teach well.

I've found that as a Cleric, keeping your spells up - mpp and mapp specifically - is almost a necessity unless you're under hunting.