Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 02/09/2015 08:13 AM CST
Can someone take a poke at the Warklin spawn in the crossing mines. There is one kinda OK room and the rest are just awful. The kinda ok room is pretty awful too.

Can we turn this up to 11?

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:

Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 02/26/2015 06:23 AM CST
I've been backtraining here recently, and I'm not sure if anyone did look at this, but here's my perspective. It's entirely dependent on whether there's another hunter in the area. And if that hunter is training defenses/generally not killing them, hoo boy, go somewhere else. Check germish'din, although if there's another player in that area too, you are just out of luck entirely. And not because they'll chuck you into a wall if you're in the same room.

Having other players vastly affect my own experience is such a terrible design. When "swarmy" is a critter trait that everyone gets excited over, it really tells you how bad it can be sometimes.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 03/04/2015 06:38 PM CST
More clarification on this because I read a player's post (from a year ago!) that explained it:

Only 7 warklins (4 armored warklins, 3 warklin maulers) spawn. One player hunter, five hunters, no matter--seven warklins. Seven.

That's why it's so good to hunt in the mine when you're alone--7 warklins just for you, so when you kill one, another is likely right there to take its place.

Please, could a GM look into this and confirm if we're right? It can be miserable hunting here with two people and supremely fantastic with one. It should just be supremely fantastic all the time. Other people in other rooms shouldn't be affecting my experience rates.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 04/18/2015 10:57 AM CDT

Warklins are unhuntable if there are already two people hunting there. Please fix this, I like it underground.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 04/29/2015 08:16 PM CDT
<Warklins are unhuntable if there are already two people hunting there. Please fix this, I like it underground.

I want to second this, and please please look into the spawn... Its absolutely ridiculous if theres a few people in there. I sat for like 15 minutes without a single creature spawned.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/11/2015 11:14 AM CDT
Spawn rate is still awful, there was like six of us hunters and of course there's always one dude sitting on three. Not going to say names but yeah...would be fantastic if the amount of Warklins was up past 7. Germish IS still as bad as well. One hunter sitting on four pretty much screws it up. Can we get some kinda critter that doesn't suck spawnwise and doesnt web hurl steal shields ect? <3
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/12/2015 12:18 AM CDT
> and of course there's always one dude sitting on three. Not going to say names but yeah...

I have this problem basically every day and I have to remind myself: Spawn rate is not their fault, they can train defenses if they want, spawn rate is not their fault...

Shalswar/dragon priests are also ruined by one empath manipulating one thing and keeping all the others at melee. It's not the empath's fault! ...is what I tell myself over and over. It's just not coded well. I'm not sure if it's the same exact problem as warklins (where only 7 spawn no matter what), but I know if there's an empath with four + one on manipulate, no others will spawn in the area. I mean, I gave up waiting (checking hunt often) after five minutes, which felt reasonable to me. It's also problematic with two hunters in two rooms there, but it's worse if the creatures that are spawned are never (or very seldom) killed. And to reiterate, whoever else is in the area is perfectly allowed to train how they want, it's just... something that needs to be coded better for any other players.

I've bugged the warklin problem in-game before, but it might be worth it for you to send in a new report, because that was months ago now. I'll draft something up for the similar shalswar problem to bug IG later, maybe I can study it and pin it down more. And heck, maybe send one in for germish too, because I remember gritting my teeth in frustration when I hunted there.

Spawn rates are a serious problem in DR, but they're by area, so we have to keep pointing out the issues when and where we see them.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/12/2015 09:43 AM CDT
> and of course there's always one dude sitting on three. Not going to say names but yeah...

>I have this problem basically every day and I have to remind myself: Spawn rate is not their fault, they can train defenses if they want, spawn rate is not their fault...

Same exact thing has been happening in sky giants recently. Do a HUNT and see the same person or pair of people hunting together with 4 giants a piece in their room and me with my one giant every so often... Wouldn't be so bad if they seemed to take time off, but it's been a rather constant affair.

I'd thought that there were new mechanics for creature spawning to help address this, but my brain is rolling far enough back to help me out.

For some reason you just can't stop thinking about glarmencouplers.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/28/2015 03:21 PM CDT
There's no excuse for dancing four mobs for "defensive training", if it takes four move up the critter ladder you're doing it wrong. Even with the piddly one or two germish or warklins i get while hunting are enough to keep my defenses locked. Doesn't help i tear through them in about fifteen seconds then do several hunts and kick a multitude of rocks .
Meanwhile Joe thief is dancing four germish all damn day, and Mister steelstorm is dancing four warklins. Do Gms even read these forums? Can we please get an uptweak in these two areas?
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/28/2015 04:40 PM CDT
Kinda not that simple. If their evasion is way past their shield/parry(which is their own fault) they may need 4 to keep it locked. However, their spawns should be vastly higher anyway.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/28/2015 07:34 PM CDT
>>There's no excuse for dancing four mobs for "defensive training", if it takes four move up the critter ladder you're doing it wrong.

Depends on your definition of wrong.

If you're not able to kill fast enough to prevent having more than one/two/three critters on you for the next tier (which could kill you in the long-term), then staying on your current tier until your defenses allow that or your offenses allow you to kill fast enough so you don't enter that situation on the next tier, then I'd say dancing with four mobs is completely correct.

Since 3.0 I've been in a situation where my evasion far surpasses my other defenses, so I tend to be in areas where I have four critters on me while training those defenses and my primary weapons that are even lower than those defenses which are lower than evasion. I also go to an area where I dance with four critters to train stealth, because it's the only place I can move stealth while also not getting my face pounded in by harder critters.

In other words, as long as you're getting experience at a rate that makes you happy with your character progression, you're doing it absolutely right. The fact that other people find other situations more optimal/preferential isn't something you really need to care about.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/29/2015 10:19 AM CDT
Much to my own disappointment...I have to actually agree with "TEVESHSZAT" here.....and trust me that seriously pains me as a poster.

Now that said.... this posting area gets usually 2 kinds of requests.

A) what to hunt requests
B) please fix this critter cause the spawn rate is set to an OLD standard

If an area has a problem with critters being sucked up by other players then the spawn should prolly be looked at.

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/29/2015 12:52 PM CDT
>>B) please fix this critter cause the spawn rate is set to an OLD standard

new standard of 4 per player + spawning near you is the best ever.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/29/2015 08:28 PM CDT
<and Mister steelstorm is dancing four warklins

hah I'm assuming this is me, but I can assure you that I kill them constantly, I train 7 weapons there with TM and usually at night when sls is mowing them down. Its funny because sometimes I've thought the same thing with other people, but I've known the person and they kill them as well, sometimes they just seem to only spawn in a few rooms when there is more than a couple people there, its gets frickin weird. I really would like to see the spawn changed myself. Its such a small space that it needs to have a look. Or if its not changed then have a few other levels that have separate spawning mechanics.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/29/2015 10:00 PM CDT
Once more, just in case a GM sees it this time: Only 7 warklins ever spawn, regardless of the number of player. Unless it was silently fixed in the past week or so. 4 of one of the warklin types, 3 of the other. Only ever that many. I've bugged it in game but it's so abysmal that I just gave up ever going there unless a GM says it's been fixed finally.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 05/30/2015 12:29 AM CDT
Well if you have four critters dancing, and the poor SOB two rooms away is getting one or two every two or so minutes if that, a little consideration for your fellow hunter and moving to an area where your dancing doesnt choke spawn is just courteous. Being that the GMs have not fixed all the spawns, really all we can do is be courteous and observant of our hunting areas, or don't.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluren Mines 07/14/2015 01:53 PM CDT
Meanwhile Warklins in Ratha spawned perfectly fine in every of the 30 or whatever rooms for me when I still hunted there. My only complaint was that gwethsmashers aren't global. And the "maze" is slightly annoying... but hardly not workable. It's probably the easiest thing in the world once you look at the map and see where it goes. I know it's not Zoluren, but sometimes you have to make concessions.

Beast Elec Drister

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here."
―Jayne Cobb

MM1 (EXW) -USN 1999-present
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 08/10/2017 07:28 PM CDT

Honestly, on this four-per-player bit....

So I returned after 13 years in terms of cancelling sub but after 17 years in terms of seriously playing. I'm off back-training my eyeballs out in Rossman's peccs. I need 4 on me for something like 15-20 min to lock defending.

Because of how I played before - slaughtering Adan'f with the barb squad in the mid-late 90s - my defenses fell way behind my weapons. Now it looks like people's defenses are above their weapons. So I must do this, in a creature that doesn't even move my main weapons....not past dabbling. It's the only way to learn.
Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 08/10/2017 09:17 PM CDT
>I'm off back-training my eyeballs out in Rossman's peccs. I need 4 on me for something like 15-20 min to lock defending...So I must do this, in a creature that doesn't even move my main weapons...not past dabbling..."

Mastery skills make backtraining weapons pretty painless. Pick up a new weapon or 3 to work on while you catch your defenses up to your primary weapon. Put those miscellaneous tdps into more mentals.

If it's taking 4 peccaries to lock your defending, move up the ladder to a tougher creature. With barbarian abilities it should be a pretty smooth transition.

If you have at least 200 appraisal skill ranks, use Appraise Focus to further speed your backtraining. If you don't have 200 appraisal skill ranks, set aside some time for that:

Re: Warklin Spawn in Zoluron Mines 08/11/2017 04:50 AM CDT
> need 4 on me for something like 15-20 min to lock defending.

Keep in mind that the ranks in new skills like defending were arrived at by adjusting/combining existing skills. They may be a bit off with respect to the rest of your skills, but it should be a one-off readjustment.

As you're in Rossman's you might want to see how gryphons and reavers/raiders work for you. Peccaries don't spawn enough (as of last I tried) to train defences and weapons decently.