Dragon Priest Juggernauts 06/30/2020 04:44 PM CDT
Any chance the round time on disarming the large dark orbs the Dragon Priest Juggernauts drop could be reevaluated?

At 500+ ranks in Locksmithing they wont train the skill at all, however the round time is consistently between 20 and 30 seconds. I understand the complexity and lethality of them would warrant higher than usual time to disarm, but 30 seconds on a trap you handily outclass seems a bit egregious, doesn't it?

- Anuind Silverspruce

Any drunken idiot can fall off a bar stool, a real man rides it to the ground.
Re: Dragon Priest Juggernauts 07/01/2020 02:55 AM CDT
Agreed. The dragon bomb's disarm roundtime is now skill and stat based. It also trains some Locksmithing now.

GM Grejuva
Re: Dragon Priest Juggernauts 07/01/2020 12:47 PM CDT
Thanks very much, Grejuva!

- Anuind Silverspruce

Any drunken idiot can fall off a bar stool, a real man rides it to the ground.