Marbled Gargoyles 02/18/2010 08:02 AM CST
These guys swarm at all? The WTH says they teach to that accurate?

They look attractive because they are skinnable and drop boxes.

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Re: Marbled Gargoyles 02/18/2010 09:03 AM CST
I'm not sure on the teaching range. I don't remember them being skinnable either, that might be a mistake. They're immune to most magic, if that matters. Their spawn isn't super fast, but it's a large area so if you roam you can probably get weapons moving well. Perhaps the spawn is better in the center, I don't know.
Re: Marbled Gargoyles 02/18/2010 09:58 AM CST
They are skinnable. And they teach higher than 350, I was able to move weapons in the low 400's to some degree.