Does anyone have any numbers that aren't Elanthipedia guesses on what Dragon Priest Zealots teach up to, and what kind of stealth it takes to hide on them? I'm assuming they're vaguely in this range.
Re: Dragon Priest Zealots
01/11/2010 08:08 AM CST
Quite a bit harder than 320 from what I experienced. I was relatively safe defensively at 450ish, but 370 melee weapons did nothing to them. I had to sleep them to get hits. Ranged might be another story. Sorry I can't give more info. You're better off in y.gryphons in this range, imo.
~Hunter Hanryu
~Hunter Hanryu
Re: Dragon Priest Zealots
01/11/2010 11:10 AM CST
I am currently hunting zealots with 400's in defenses and 450+ HE and can not hit em without a dance up. Try the adan'f warriors and mages outside the ice cave first.
Re: Dragon Priest Zealots
01/11/2010 11:12 AM CST
Ranged would be easier, they don't evade well but they have a ton of parry. Zealots I'd skip honestly unless you need them for boxes. Shals gen really fast but the randomness of the DP attacks makes them not so good.