Do these spawn at the same rate as the Rossman's ones? Are there any added inconveniences to hunting them?
If you give up your room in Rossman's you won't get it back for 4-6 hours at this point, it seems.
Re: P5 Young Gryphons
08/11/2009 08:04 PM CDT
The Shard gryphon area spawns well, from the little I've seen. Some of the area is water, so you may incur a bit of RT from swimming. Other than that, you just have to make sure not to wander into the Shalswar area.
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: P5 Young Gryphons
08/11/2009 09:54 PM CDT
>If you give up your room in Rossman's you won't get it back for 4-6 hours at this point, it seems.
It's the mid level eels. :)
It's the mid level eels. :)
Re: P5 Young Gryphons
08/12/2009 06:38 AM CDT
I've heard Shard Gryphons spawn more baby/fledgelings than young
The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
Re: P5 Young Gryphons
08/12/2009 06:40 AM CDT
Is the area in shard partitioned to where youngs aren't gonna wander into baby/fledgelings? And if so how many rooms are like this? Ross's is a pain with the rope bridge and is always crunk
Re: P5 Young Gryphons
08/12/2009 06:42 AM CDT
The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
Re: P5 Young Gryphons
08/12/2009 08:02 AM CDT
> I've heard Shard Gryphons spawn more baby/fledgelings than young
True :( These rooms get super busy also. (4 good rooms where you'll see 1:3:.5 young:fledgeling:baby).
Please please make riderless-shalswar spawn in the pens!
~Hunter Hanryu
Tolle says, "Yup yup, 'bout time. What the heck took you so long?"
True :( These rooms get super busy also. (4 good rooms where you'll see 1:3:.5 young:fledgeling:baby).
Please please make riderless-shalswar spawn in the pens!
~Hunter Hanryu
Tolle says, "Yup yup, 'bout time. What the heck took you so long?"
Re: P5 Young Gryphons
08/12/2009 08:10 AM CDT
>>Please please make riderless-shalswar spawn in the pens!
That's a really cool idea
The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
That's a really cool idea
The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
Re: P5 Young Gryphons
08/12/2009 11:59 AM CDT
Have to say that I'm finding it to be about the same situation down here as it is in Rossman's. There's slightly less competition for the 4 young gryphon rooms, and you can use the Stream rooms and get a few youngs and mostly fledgeling, but you can't "hunt" there. Spawn seems to be about the same. MEH, it's probably not worth moving from Rossman's if you're already there.