Isundjen Conjurers Kill Themselves with Blood Burst 03/28/2020 02:28 PM CDT
Isundjen Conjurers are killing themselves with blood burst, because the critter AI doesn't seem to be taking into account whether or not they have enough vitality to cast it without dying.

This may be a problem with any creature who uses this spell, but conjurers are the only ones I am aware of.

I was just standing around in conjurers and then noticed there was a dead one in the room, and I hadn't attacked anything yet. Whereupon the second one in the room also promptly died after casting BB. I was alone in the hunting area.

-- Qihhth
Re: Isundjen Conjurers Kill Themselves with Blood Burst 03/28/2020 03:03 PM CDT
Well, clearly, being a necromancer is a risky business, even for creatures.