I've just moved down from Gryphons as the learning there is getting slower.
I have 50 in all stats and below are my current combat skills.
Shield Usage: 413 97% mind lock (34/34) Light Armor: 426 28% mind lock (34/34)
Chain Armor: 393 37% nearly locked (33/34) Defending: 413 77% mind lock (34/34)
Parry Ability: 376 44% enthralled (32/34) Small Edged: 267 90% analyzing (18/34)
Large Edged: 298 83% very riveted (29/34) Twohanded Edged: 355 59% engrossed (27/34)
Bow: 353 81% very riveted (29/34) Crossbow: 345 16% analyzing (18/34)
Brawling: 297 70% focused (20/34) Offhand Weapon: 312 02% studious (19/34)
Melee Mastery: 431 62% very rapt (31/34) Missile Mastery: 421 66% engrossed (27/34)
Life Magic: 357 77% mind lock (34/34) Attunement: 326 45% deliberative (11/34)
Arcana: 313 59% nearly locked (33/34) Targeted Magic: 305 66% nearly locked (33/34)
Augmentation: 253 55% captivated (26/34) Debilitation: 310 85% mind lock (34/34)
Utility: 224 35% dabbling (1/34) Warding: 225 12% captivated (26/34)
Evasion: 465 64% mind lock (34/34) Perception: 488 29% understanding (14/34)
Skinning: 417 83% mind lock (34/34) Scouting: 377 09% thinking (5/34)
Scholarship: 140 75% thinking (5/34) Appraisal: 279 41% absorbing (15/34)
Tactics: 274 92% absorbing (15/34)
My stealth is 454 ranks. I can't get Stealth to move, not even when i have 4 at melee and hide, ambush. Is it perhaps because they have no eyes?
Re: germish'din stealth question
09/18/2013 09:07 AM CDT
They might still teach if you snipe. You could also try dragon priest purifiers.
Re: germish'din stealth question
09/20/2013 08:58 AM CDT
>My stealth is 454 ranks. I can't get Stealth to move, not even when i have 4 at melee and hide, ambush. Is it perhaps because they have no eyes?
While the general rule of thumb is critters teach stealth to similar levels as weapons it's possible for them to be coded with less perception resulting in learning worse than other comparable critter. I have a vague recollection of a GM statement about germs, lower perception, and having no eyes but it might have just been a player observation.
If you feel like you're not learning stealth well enough try a different critter. DP sentinels or purifiers might work better for you.
~Engineer Ascot Ryuzzaki, Bonecutter of M'riss
While the general rule of thumb is critters teach stealth to similar levels as weapons it's possible for them to be coded with less perception resulting in learning worse than other comparable critter. I have a vague recollection of a GM statement about germs, lower perception, and having no eyes but it might have just been a player observation.
If you feel like you're not learning stealth well enough try a different critter. DP sentinels or purifiers might work better for you.
~Engineer Ascot Ryuzzaki, Bonecutter of M'riss
Re: germish'din stealth question
09/23/2013 04:12 AM CDT
Thanks for the replies. Snipe is teaching some so i'm sorted.
Re: germish'din stealth question
10/30/2013 12:58 PM CDT
>Why not basilisk or shadowbeast?
I would strongly second this. I don't recall if you can HUNT there or not since most of the area is water, though, which might be a bit of a turn-off.
I would strongly second this. I don't recall if you can HUNT there or not since most of the area is water, though, which might be a bit of a turn-off.
Re: germish'din stealth question
10/30/2013 07:02 PM CDT
You can't use HUNT in basilisks. Water prevents the ability to follow any "tracks" that may be present.
"I only automatically kill players when they're asking for it or it's funny. Or both." ~GM Raesh
"I only automatically kill players when they're asking for it or it's funny. Or both." ~GM Raesh