Decided to take on the armored shalswar today. Normally I hunt young gryphon, but tried a switch up. Armored shalswar are nothing, though they DID seem to train much better than young gryphon. Killed the shalswar fairly easily. Got paid back though with a dragon priest sentinel - they are NASTY hard.
Re: Armored Shalswar Vs Young Gryphon Vs Dragon Priest Sentinels
02/19/2013 07:00 AM CST
It's my opinion, that sentinels are "unhuntable" in 3.0, because there is always a chance to be hit in 3.0. When you are hit by a sentinel arrow, you catch on fire.
Try Dragonpriest Purifiers, if you are in the mid-300's.
Re: Armored Shalswar Vs Young Gryphon Vs Dragon Priest Sentinels
02/19/2013 08:11 AM CST
My two primary weapons are in the 360s. Armor 417. Shield 343. Parry 350. I can still lock with young gryphons though taking longer, not really a BIG issue yet, but was interested to see how I could hold up against those critters. Found out the sentinels are to be avoided at all cost. Shalswar were kittens, otherwise.
Re: Armored Shalswar Vs Young Gryphon Vs Dragon Priest Sentinels
02/19/2013 10:41 AM CST
>>It's my opinion, that sentinels are "unhuntable" in 3.0, because there is always a chance to be hit in 3.0. When you are hit by a sentinel arrow, you catch on fire.
I loved hunting in shalswar/sentinels post-3.0 until the day where I was successfully lit on fire twice and put to sleep (kinda/sorta*) with a dart-thing once.
Then I liked hunting there a lot less.
Dragon Priests/peccaries would be nice if they spawned more and weren't parry machines.
(*Kinda/sorta = I was hit, my character lost a bit of fatigue and got "tired," and then fell over asleep, but wasn't actually asleep and could stand right back up. A few minutes later my character "woke up" despite being awake since the start.)
The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
I loved hunting in shalswar/sentinels post-3.0 until the day where I was successfully lit on fire twice and put to sleep (kinda/sorta*) with a dart-thing once.
Then I liked hunting there a lot less.
Dragon Priests/peccaries would be nice if they spawned more and weren't parry machines.
(*Kinda/sorta = I was hit, my character lost a bit of fatigue and got "tired," and then fell over asleep, but wasn't actually asleep and could stand right back up. A few minutes later my character "woke up" despite being awake since the start.)
The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
Re: Armored Shalswar Vs Young Gryphon Vs Dragon Priest Sentinels
02/19/2013 10:31 PM CST
Well, I don't know about arrows, and catching fire, whether or not you could buy/wear something to counter it, but instead of toning down such devastating special attacks, create equip a character could buy and wear to counter such advantages. Goggles for attacks that lead to a stun, for example. Masks for gas-like attacks that may put you to sleep. Etc. Such equipment would only be designed to negate special attacks, putting the critter and hunter that is properly equipped on even ground, for regular attacks anyway. Hunters would need to do their research and gear up according to what they'd be fighting.
Re: Armored Shalswar Vs Young Gryphon Vs Dragon Priest Sentinels
02/21/2013 07:45 PM CST
I've TRIED farming scrolls in 3.0 in shalswar and haven't really noticed any of the problems that have been talked about from the auto-hit from special attacks. I think maybe twice out of 8 hours total of hunting there I got hit by the zealots dagger attack that rips flesh out when pulled back maybe twice, that's about it.
However maybe its just because of the fact that I kill them rather swiftly once they enter the room.
However maybe its just because of the fact that I kill them rather swiftly once they enter the room.
Re: Armored Shalswar Vs Young Gryphon Vs Dragon Priest Sentinels
02/21/2013 07:59 PM CST
I died yesterday in Shalswars yesterday - wasn't paying attention and got hit with the naptha, was already injured from intercessors and started ROLLing it out too late. Was training Crossbow and Sling but yea, special attacks are srs bisnizz now(broken).
IM: Dannyboy00001111
"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
IM: Dannyboy00001111
"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: Armored Shalswar Vs Young Gryphon Vs Dragon Priest Sentinels
02/21/2013 11:59 PM CST
Yeah, it's pretty broken. I want to say that last time I tested, I did much better with shield at 100% but I'll have to test again.