WTH Bind 07/24/2014 10:18 PM CDT

Hey folks, I'm trying to figure out what to hunt next, I've tried several creatures and either they won't teach me or they're just a little too tough.

I was at sand sprites, but they've completely stopped teaching. Silver leucros were too easy and were barely teaching. Crocs were too tough, snowbeasts were ok, but could't train my magics as a cleric.

My magics are in the 110-120 range.

My defenses are in the 100-110 range.

And my weapons are in the 80's range with my mastery at about 110-115.

I tried Moss Meys. I could kill them fine, but they beat me up a bit when my buffs went down. Oddly, I was learning no weapon experience from them.

I'm trying to figure something out between snowbeasts and crocs.
Re: WTH Bind 07/24/2014 10:23 PM CDT
Giant Blight Bats in Boar Clan? They're similar to Snowbeasts but are cursed so your Cleric magic should work fine on them(I assume you meant you don't have FF so you can't learn targeted off of non-cursed creatures).
Re: WTH Bind 07/24/2014 10:28 PM CDT
I have FF. Only sick for debil, which is turning out to be a real drag.

But my magics debil is around 120 and so is my TM. They're just too high to learn off anything I'm learning weapons on right now.

Just can't seem to find something that'll train my defense and my weapons without getting my butt kicked.
Re: WTH Bind 07/24/2014 10:32 PM CDT
Accidentally removed my post!

Adult razortusk boars on Ratha or the first tier of snow goblins on Surlaenis would work for you.
Re: WTH Bind 07/24/2014 11:00 PM CDT
Piruati Serpents and Thicket Vipers just outside of Riverhaven.

You skillfully remove the vanilla cheesecake from your abdomen leaving the wound no worse than it was before.
Re: WTH Bind 07/25/2014 05:12 PM CDT
Mutant Togballs, Boar Clan. Can graduate directly into Blight Ogres, Boar Clan until you are ready for Adan'f in Shard. Welcome to the good life, my fellow Cleric. Hope to see you soon!

If you act like prey, do not blame me for acting like the predator I am.
DR_Shaidval @ AIM
Re: WTH Bind 07/25/2014 08:42 PM CDT
>>Mutant Togballs, Boar Clan. Can graduate directly into Blight Ogres, Boar Clan until you are ready for Adan'f in Shard. Welcome to the good life, my fellow Cleric. Hope to see you soon!

I cannot stress this enough. This is why I tried to steer you towards Blight Bats. Once you can handle boggles and kobolds(like 40ish ranks), between Blight Bats and Togballs and the three kinds of Ogres and Adan'f and the Zombies you can create an entire critter ladder with skinnable and box dropping undead/cursed critters all the way to... very high ranks without leaving Forf or Shard. It is a wonderful place to make your home as a Cleric who likes to hunt.
Re: WTH Bind 07/25/2014 09:50 PM CDT
Thanks for the advice. I've been hunting razortusk boars since they've been working fine.

But I think I'll make the move to mutant togballs and see how that goes. Especially if I can stay localized in a certain area for a good amount of time. I'll have to pick up a different debil spell though, since SICK won't work on them I guess?
Re: WTH Bind 07/25/2014 10:27 PM CDT
>>Especially if I can stay localized in a certain area for a good amount of time.

It is often overlooked, but Shard and Forf(I know it's two different provinces, but they are a three minute travel script apart - counting the time spent on the Ice Road) have probably the most complete critter ladder in the game in one area. Especially if you're a Cleric. You can hunt exclusively skinnable and box dropping(there's a box gap here and there, mostly at lower ranks) cursed/undead critters in Forf and Shard until about 700 ranks. You can stay in the area after then, but you have to start fighting living creatures. You can basically start in Shard at around 40ish ranks in Boggles and never stop fighting skinnable cursed/undead until around 700 ranks(at which point I'm pretty sure you can handle young wyverns and still stay in the area all the way to max ranks, but you run out of undead options).

Not sure about your Soul Sickness question, though. My Cleric isn't high enough to hunt any of them yet. But most of the creatures are cursed and not undead(don't think you run into an actual undead creature on the ladder until Zombie Stompers at 450+ ranks), so it should work fine for the majority of the ladder.
Re: WTH Bind 07/25/2014 11:50 PM CDT

As an exclusively Dwarf player, I'm rather fond of playing in Forfedhdar. I'd be rather happy if I can spend most my time there.
Re: WTH Bind 07/25/2014 11:50 PM CDT

As an exclusively Dwarf player, I'm rather fond of playing in Forfedhdar. I'd be rather happy if I can spend most my time there.
Re: WTH Bind 07/27/2014 08:21 AM CDT
>>I'll have to pick up a different debil spell though, since SICK won't work on them I guess?

I'd insist on Malediction if you don't have it already. It should be mandatory to every Cleric's spell list. Combine it with Hydra Hex later and you have a perfect coupling.

If you act like prey, do not blame me for acting like the predator I am.
DR_Shaidval @ AIM
Re: WTH Bind 07/28/2014 02:12 PM CDT
>>You can basically start in Shard at around 40ish ranks in Boggles and never stop fighting skinnable cursed/undead until around 700 ranks(at which point I'm pretty sure you can handle young wyverns and still stay in the area all the way to max ranks, but you run out of undead options).

There is that small gap to be bridged until...

And I think there are options above them, I keep seeing things about some nasty moths.^^

If you act like prey, do not blame me for acting like the predator I am.
DR_Shaidval @ AIM