I capped out goblins and thought the next tier up would be eels but I am getting smacked around by 2 if I am actively fighting and 3 if I am just defending. My skills I thought were more than enough to handle a swarm of these but I guess not. Is there something else I should be hunting before moving to eels? My relevant skills are:
Shield Usage: 11 98% clear (0/34) Leather Armor: 41 66% clear (0/34)
Parry Ability: 41 41% clear (0/34) Multi Opponent: 45 90% considering (6/34)
Light Edged: 37 90% clear (0/34) Medium Edged: 41 44% deliberative (11/34)
Evasion: 49 89% thoughtful (4/34)
Backstab: 46 31% clear (0/34)
Stance evasion 100 and parry 80. Also have 18 reflex and 15 stamina. Wearing leathers from armor shop in crossing so not very hindered and no encumberence.
Re: Eels beating me up
01/13/2012 12:22 AM CST
If you can no longer learn from goblin shamans, you might try bridging the gap with striped badgers and croff pothanits in the North Gate area.
On an unrelated note, your shield usage is falling too far behind your other skills.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
On an unrelated note, your shield usage is falling too far behind your other skills.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Eels beating me up
01/13/2012 01:34 AM CST
If you were using a shield, you wouldn't be getting beat up. You really should train up your shield. Take up a few new weapons and crank out those 30 ranks to catch up.
Unless you are doing it for some roleplaying consideration, not training Shield is crazy.
Have you capped out the shamans/field goblins in the Hunting Preserve? Or the forager/scavengers? You might try the boars in the Hunting Preserve or the burrowers/grubs in the tunnels nearby. (I'm personally not too familiar with pots/badgers).
Unless you are doing it for some roleplaying consideration, not training Shield is crazy.
Have you capped out the shamans/field goblins in the Hunting Preserve? Or the forager/scavengers? You might try the boars in the Hunting Preserve or the burrowers/grubs in the tunnels nearby. (I'm personally not too familiar with pots/badgers).
Re: Eels beating me up
01/13/2012 01:39 PM CST
Keep in mind with arm worn shields its easy to keep shield training going well. Also shield really helps when training parry at lower levels. My parry stance is usually like 100 shield 80 parry when I want to move parry at those early ranks.
You should be able to go straight from gobs to eels. Definitely go UP the gob ladder, not all gobs are created equal.