Is it intended for them to launch their steam attack when no one is even in the room? In TF, I'm the only one on the entire island. I'm here to mine (which is also currently broken), and I walk into this repeatedly:
[Steam Vents]
A large puddle of muddy water burbles slowly in the lower portion of the small chamber. A couple of stalactites drip sadly into the puddle, looking as if they are about to melt away. The floor has a treacherous, slimy feel to it and the walls and ceiling glisten damply. In the wall behind the pool of muck is a small hole.
You also see a roiling steam cloud, a nipoh oshu and a nipoh oshu.
Obvious exits: north, southeast, northwest.
Scalding steam swirls over you scalding you horribly!
Zero seconds to react.
I kill these buggers as soon as gnomely possible, but they're still tagging me with this special attack over and over again. I'm so far past the hard cap on these guys it isn't funny. And I'm wearing great armor. And yet they tear me up more than adult wyverns.
How about an evasion/shield check for a chance to deflect the steam? Thanks for considering.