constructs 04/09/2014 01:34 PM CDT

As an empath can we please get constructs that teach the entire range of weapons skills?

As you can see there are gaps in the training and yes i know my guild is not a combat guild however we need to train 5 magic skills and plus 5 survival skills and trying to train these outside of combat can be a pain. And sitting in a room while my guardian spirit does all the work can be rather boring.

some ideas might be

put some type of construct in ship rats that was made by some enginerring student to help dock workers move boxes and crates that has run amock. these would be the simplest of constructs that would bridge the gap from 0-20 maybe you can search them and fined a tiny gem of some sort that powers the thing or something like that.
Re: constructs 04/10/2014 08:11 AM CDT
I'd personally rather see higher crits than rats if they are going to bother filling in the ladder. The first 20 ranks take a few hours at most.

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Re: constructs 04/10/2014 09:46 AM CDT

Don't the origami creatures fill the nearly-0 to approximately 30-40 range already? There are some definite gaps in the construct ladder, but I'd agree the first 20-40 ranks are not where the gaps need to be filled.

-Master Ndin
Re: constructs 04/10/2014 10:35 AM CDT
>>Don't the origami creatures fill the nearly-0 to approximately 30-40 range already? There are some definite gaps in the construct ladder, but I'd agree the first 20-40 ranks are not where the gaps need to be filled.

AFAIK origami mobs are essentially rats with an extra (but small) tier past that.

I know there are other gaps, but I think the biggest hurdle is still going from origami/boggles to gargoyles, right?

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: constructs 04/10/2014 11:12 AM CDT
Gamaset mixed 2 issues into the post, weapons and magic/survival. Weapons aren't an issue using in the low end with having origami creatures and boggles and the gap between origami creatures/boggles to gargoyles isn't the biggest hurdle and can be worked without excessive difficulty. Magic/survival reqs don't require the construct gaps to be filled in to learn and can be worked in combat against non-constructs. The 3.0 shock changes have mitigated the major issue with accidental and intentional non-construct hits both in terms of the stun length and affect on abilities and spells. You can also go completely insensitive and recover with ease compared to pre-3.0.

Re: constructs 04/10/2014 02:25 PM CDT
>As you can see there are gaps in the training and yes i know my guild is not a combat guild however we need to train 5 magic skills and plus 5 survival skills and trying to train these outside of combat can be a pain.

There are 5 magic skills that are available which you don't have to step into combat for. Attunement, Arcana, Utility, Warding and Augmentation. How is it a pain to train them outside of combat vs in combat? Vigor, Tranquility, and Flush Poison require you to be in combat to learn?
Re: constructs 04/11/2014 05:53 AM CDT
>>Don't the origami creatures fill the nearly-0 to approximately 30-40 range already?<<

Origami will hard cap weapons at 59 and armor/defenses near 70. Most people won't want to stay there that long, but as an empath training multiple weapons in the melee and missile classes, the extra boost to mastery skills from this training will get you into gargoyles without a problem offensively.


"I only automatically kill players when they're asking for it or it's funny. Or both." ~GM Raesh