Warklins improvements, please? 01/19/2014 05:57 AM CST
Please please please, can the spawn of Warklins get some improvements?

My understanding was that creatures across the board were supposed to gen 4 per hunter, per area, but the Warklins area appears to spawn just 7-8 per area. At busy periods there can be 3-4 hunters sharing a meagre amount of warklins amongst them, which leads to a lot of frustration. Given that it is the only hunting ground in Zoluren that teaches in that range, it's a popular area and any improvements would only create happiness (And we like happiness!)

I think this is further compounded by the fact that in this range there are very few viable hunting options and with DRs playerbase getting smaller over the years, players want to be in actual communities with fellow players.. After all, it makes the game more enjoyable.

My search for mainland alternatives yesterday took me to Spirit Dancers; look good on paper, but I got beat around like a rag doll with their magic.

I then tried to get into Cinder Beasts...Damn that's a difficult area to get into. I gave up and started watching TV (hah!)

Then I finally came upon Scaly Seordmaor, which have a great spawn (though I was the only one there) and are fantastic for weapon learning, though if I made any requests, it would be to tweak their defensive training; their spell casting is high frequency, so they attack less at melee which equals less defensive learning. Or maybe just tweak their casting frequency ratio to melee attacks. I found myself getting spammed by LB which I pretty much HAVE to use turtle against or I'll get blasted pretty quickly, so I wasn't learning from TM attacks either.

Baby celps would be perfect but, I really rather like company and player interaction and moved from the islands for that very reason.

GMs, please?
Re: Warklins improvements, please? 01/19/2014 07:05 AM CST
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you right now, I'm training in celps so I can do wyvearns nothing is going to train like celps. At least you can buy some cheap JJ now.

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:

Re: Warklins improvements, please? 01/19/2014 08:25 AM CST
How's the population out there?
Re: Warklins improvements, please? 01/20/2014 06:56 PM CST
I think it's 4 warklins, and 3 maulers max for the area or 3 and 4... for Stone Clan at least

I'm not sure if they ever improved storm bulls, that was a 5 max for the whole area

Head-splitters or whatever's easier, Sky Giants, or Rescucitants maybe?

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Warklins improvements, please? 01/20/2014 07:05 PM CST
>>I'm not sure if they ever improved storm bulls, that was a 5 max for the whole area

Dont recall exactly when but those were improved. Spawn rates were fixed. Never tested personally but did see a Red Name post on them some while back.