Offhand/Thrown/Missle Mastery 08/15/2017 05:18 PM CDT
I was wondering if anyone knew how missile mastery played into offhand throwing weapons.

Elanthipedia says:
Offhand attacks are a two skill contest, using 70% of your Offhand skill and 30% of the appropriate weapon skill. Likewise, the experience gained from attacking this way is also distributed 70/30.

No mention of the mastery. Is it not used training that way? Just wondering.

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
Re: Offhand/Thrown/Missle Mastery 08/15/2017 05:54 PM CDT
>I was wondering if anyone knew how missile mastery played into offhand throwing weapons.

Socharis posted that offhand experience weapon experience are equal in the thread link below:

I think the comment from Ichabod on the reddit thread link below has offhand/weapon/mastery interaction correct:

"...You might be forgetting about the bonus you receive from melee/missile mastery. The formula on epedia is correct, 70% offhand + 30% weapon skill = effective weapon skill. Remember that mastery will use ~30% mastery + weapon (or in this case, offhand+weapon) as your effective weapon skill, though not exceeding your total mastery skill. So then, if you've got 300 ranks in missile mastery, throw a HT from your offhand with 100 skill, and have 10 offhand, you're looking at this:

90 ranks from missile mastery (300*.3)

30 ranks from HT (100*.3)

7 ranks from offhand (10*.7)

for a total of 127 effective ranks, which is all used since it doesn't exceed your missile mastery.

If we switch your weapon (100) with offhand (10), it looks more like this:

90 from mastery

3 from HT

7 from offhand (not 70, since your hybrid skill cannot exceed your weapon skill)

for a total effective skill of 100..."
Re: Offhand/Thrown/Missle Mastery 08/15/2017 06:41 PM CDT
Ah cool thanks. I was wondering approx. ranks I was using.

You slap Voldag hard in the face with your hand, making a nice crisp smack!! That's going to leave a mark!
Re: Offhand/Thrown/Missle Mastery 08/19/2017 05:00 PM CDT
Something is niggling in the back of my mind that the straight up formula mastery*.3 + weapon*.3 + offhand *.7 is not correct. I think it's an order of operations thing because the formula for mastery application is not "mastery*.3". Overall the info is probably close enough for government work to run with though.

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