Elven star blades 11/17/2012 10:41 AM CST
Is the only benefit for being elf and using these the increased suitability? I don't notice any difference from normal blades, though, I don't have a whole lot of strength.

I'm not complaining or anything just wondering. I wasn't sure if there was a to throw multiple blade bonus or something also.
Re: Elven star blades 11/17/2012 11:21 AM CST
This might be confirmation bias but I seem to hit better, and seem to get to throw an additional blade while using these versus my other stacked blades (I was down to my last stack before this festival so I was using store blades quite often).

Again it might be confirmation bias, but I just feel they are better.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.