Slings and dual-loading.
10/18/2016 08:20 PM CDT
Let me start this off by saying I'm a long time player, first time posting on the forums. I really love slings(laugh all you want). Here's one of my big issues: Why can't one dual load a sling or staff sling? The effects of eagle form cover slings, but no dual load? Honestly, it would seem much easier to me to be able to load and fire two small rocks in a sling then it would be to notch and fire two arrows or bolts from a crossbow.
Please, consider adding dual load to slings. It just makes sense.
Re: Slings and dual-loading.
10/18/2016 08:59 PM CDT
Honestly slings is one of the more reasonable weapons I would see being dual loaded.
Re: Slings and dual-loading.
10/20/2016 12:30 AM CDT
Up voted!
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