mistwood atlatl with a diamondique grip
11/23/2016 10:27 AM CST
Hey all,
Just returned to DR, after a couple years away... again, and discovered I still had one of these things from a fair few years back, despite being certain I had gotten rid of it. I am curious, were they ever upgraded to actually be worth using over just THROWING or HURLING a javelin or spear? I'm curious because of RP reasons, my Character will only be using Spear/Javelin type weapons for HT, and trying to decide if I should consider keeping/using this thing or not? Basic Hurling makes more sense Thematically, but I can always work this in, as it is fairly primitive in it's design and complexity, IF it is actually worth using considering the RT associated with it. Either way, thank you for your time and input.
Re: mistwood atlatl with a diamondique grip
11/23/2016 11:54 AM CST
I personally use a forged Fork for my HT, the balance/damage tends to beat out hammers. Add the ability to LOB to prevent lodging, or the paladin spell BA and puncture based weapons always win out in my book.
Re: mistwood atlatl with a diamondique grip
11/23/2016 12:00 PM CST
This should probably be under thrown instead of pikes, but I'll answer your question.
The atlatl's value as a throwing enhancer was already questionable the moment it launched. I recorded several hundred throws both with and without the atlatl and could find no significant (p<0.05) bonus to damage. Their seemed to be a small uptick in accuracy, but the added roundtime of loading the atlatl lowered your DPS over time. Plain and simple, throwing more without the atlatl was superior for training purposes.
I quizzed Kodius on it several years ago and he said he'd look into it, but I'm not sure what can really be done with the device. Any significant mechanical advantage provided by the atlatl would make it a mandatory inclusion.
Any questionable value it had before was killed thoroughly with the introduction of HURL. The accuracy bonus from HURL is massive, I'd definitely recommend going that route if you are able, just keep in mind this makes the weapon lodge and plan accordingly.
I have the atlatl in my vault now and have no plans of trashing it, but right now it's pretty much just hoping it gets buffed someday.
The atlatl's value as a throwing enhancer was already questionable the moment it launched. I recorded several hundred throws both with and without the atlatl and could find no significant (p<0.05) bonus to damage. Their seemed to be a small uptick in accuracy, but the added roundtime of loading the atlatl lowered your DPS over time. Plain and simple, throwing more without the atlatl was superior for training purposes.
I quizzed Kodius on it several years ago and he said he'd look into it, but I'm not sure what can really be done with the device. Any significant mechanical advantage provided by the atlatl would make it a mandatory inclusion.
Any questionable value it had before was killed thoroughly with the introduction of HURL. The accuracy bonus from HURL is massive, I'd definitely recommend going that route if you are able, just keep in mind this makes the weapon lodge and plan accordingly.
I have the atlatl in my vault now and have no plans of trashing it, but right now it's pretty much just hoping it gets buffed someday.
Re: mistwood atlatl with a diamondique grip
11/23/2016 12:01 PM CST
Really wish there was an "edit post" button so I could clean it up without deleting and reposting
Really wish there was an "edit post" button so I could clean it up without deleting and reposting
Re: mistwood atlatl with a diamondique grip
11/23/2016 10:53 PM CST
Ok, thank you both for your answers.. they kind of confirmed what I suspected, but I had to be sure. As for the wrong folder, I apologize, but since I was going to be using a Javelin or Predator Spear with it, I just wasn't sure which folder and I don't like to repost the same question across multiples, so again, my apologies. but once again, thank you for your input, and time, both of you.. into the Vault it shall go!