I happened upon:
A darkened pole-axe is a pike pole-ranged weapon.
You are certain that it could do:
low puncture damage
great slice damage
moderate impact damage
You are certain that the pole-axe is poorly balanced and is well suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the darkened pole-axe is of average strength, and is in pristine condition.
The darkened pole-axe is made with metal.
You are certain that the darkened pole-axe weighs exactly 143 stones.
You are certain that the darkened pole-axe is worth exactly 112500 kronars.
Seems rather heavy, anyone a pike collector or know if this thing is any good?
Re: Vault Cleaning
06/01/2010 01:29 PM CDT
That's a pretty strange weapon, but I'd buy it off you. IM: CaraamonDR
Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi, Gor'Tog Barbarian
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi, Gor'Tog Barbarian
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
Re: Vault Cleaning
06/01/2010 01:49 PM CDT
Sorry for the double post, but according to google-oogleoogleoogle, the weapon is from the Shard Liberation Festival, specifically Edword's Accoutrements.
Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi, Gor'Tog Barbarian
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi, Gor'Tog Barbarian
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
Re: Vault Cleaning
06/01/2010 07:46 PM CDT
It's a copy of the Therengian pole-axe which was a copy of the old khuj IIRC. Unfortunately it wasn't reduced in weight and switched to halberd like the old khuj was, so under the current combo system it's pretty useless except for looking really cool.
(In other words GMs please change the pole-axes to be like the new khujs, mkay?)
"To be honest, my son, the practice of Holy magic is really just reckless tampering with one's soul."
(In other words GMs please change the pole-axes to be like the new khujs, mkay?)
"To be honest, my son, the practice of Holy magic is really just reckless tampering with one's soul."