Shield Slam Update 09/08/2015 12:09 AM CDT

A small update has been made to the shield slam mechanics. You can now slam with arm-worn shields in combat as if you were holding it in your left hand. Your left hand must be empty for the system to search for the shield. If you're wielding a weapon in your left hand it will default to pommel bash.

You glance down to see a Fist of Chadatru war hammer in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>slam left
< You slam another brick in the wall at a goblin. A goblin attempts to dodge. The wall lands an earth-shaking strike that drives the lungs into the throat with a strike to the solar plexus, dealing it a vicious stun.
[You're winded, slightly off balance and in better position.]
[Roundtime 4 sec.]

It's always preferred to hold the shield in your hand, for damage purposes, but you now have the added flexibility of bashing things with your shield ... held in hand or attached to the arm.

This update is live in Prime and Plat. If all goes well it will show up in TF in a few days.



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