Offhand flight of critters 08/15/2013 02:50 PM CDT
I apologize if this has been discussed before, I slept for neigh a decade, and am far to lazy to go back through all of the posts during that time.

Nearly 1 in 3 hits from my light war mallet when thrown from the offhand, sends the critter flying back to pole or farther. It happens so often I tend to have the one I am facing not be able to swing at me at all. Tested versus Stone Gargoyles and Snowbeasts under the gondola.

The mallet lands a solid hit that scratches an eyebrow after nearly poking out an eye sending it on an involuntary airborne ride.
The mallet lands a light hit that pokes the war mallet into the gargoyle's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!) sending it on an involuntary airborne ride.
The mallet lands a hard hit that deeply bruises the right bicep sending it flying head over heels.
The mallet lands a good strike to the snowbeast's left arm sending it on an involuntary airborne ride.
The mallet lands a light hit that knocks it down and out with a blow to the nether regions (Total loss of bowel control accompanies a twitching death!) sending it flying head over heels.
The mallet lands a good strike to the snowbeast's chest sending it on an involuntary airborne ride.

This never happens when I throw the same exact weapon from the right hand. And the same is true for my hurlable war hammer, so both LT and HT weapons toss critters head over heals when thrown from the offhand, but do not when thrown normal.

I have no sharp weapons to test with, and I have no skill with them anyways, so I can only attest to the blunts.

With all that said, I don't see this as an issue, it is just different, and odd.

Light Thrown: 120 40% absorbing (15/34) Heavy Thrown: 275 99% clear (0/34)
Offhand Weapon: 108 96% very rapt (31/34) Missile Mastery: 249 67% deliberative (11/34)

Bluntmaster Haammerstrike, Knight of Forfedhdar, Dwarf of StoneClan

An intricate blend of threads form the armband's emblem, the image of a worn hammer atop an anvil all engulfed in flames superimposed upon a shadow-black book. Beneath the edge of the shadowy book three Dwarven runes read: "Kinsmen, Steel and Stone."