What's best? 09/05/2011 04:21 AM CDT
So to all those old timers out there that have the run down on all the armors. I currently train three armors. Light chain, leather and bone. Im using a forged chain hauberk, some perfect gargoyle-hide gloves and a bone mask. Also use a croc buckler
What I'd like to know is what is the best set-up for training this combo. Could I swap some gear Im using for something else. I'd like to be able to hide at level but at present that isn't possible. Is that most likely because of the mixing armor penalty?
Here are my relevant stats..

Human Barbarian

Light Chain: 141 16.89%
Bone Armor: 117 86.09%
Leather Armor: 109 99.34%
Hiding: 112 40.08%
Shield: 140 63.10

Strength : 24 Reflex : 19
Agility : 24 Charisma : 18
Discipline : 18 Wisdom : 18
Intelligence : 18 Stamina : 21

Here's my armor appraisal:

The chain hauberk is light chain.

The hauberk looks like it offers protection for the following areas:

right arm
left arm
right leg
left leg

You feel certain that a chain hauberk appears to impose moderate (7/15) maneuvering hindrance and moderate (7/15) stealth hindrance, offering:
very good (5/11) protection and great (7/11) damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good (5/11) protection and great (7/11) damage absorption for slice attacks.
moderate (4/11) protection and great (7/11) damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate (4/11) protection and very high (6/11) damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate (4/11) protection and very high (6/11) damage absorption for cold attacks.

Thanks for any help..
poor (1/11) protection and very high (6/11) damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only wearing a chain hauberk your maneuvering would be minimally hindered and your stealth would be fairly hindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently insignificantly hindered and your stealth is somewhat hindered.

You think it is likely that the chain hauberk is marginally vulnerable to damage, and is practically in mint condition.

The chain hauberk is made with metal.
The chain hauberk is fairly flexible.
The chain hauberk feels pretty heavy.
You are certain that the chain hauberk is worth exactly 2250 kronars.

Thanks for any help
Re: What's best? 09/05/2011 07:22 AM CDT
> Also use a croc buckler

Garg shield. I'm actually tanning a dozen right now and am bouncing around the mainland collecting skins for a project if you want to upgrade.

~Hunter Hanryu
Re: What's best? 09/05/2011 08:16 AM CDT
Serious recommendation: stop training Bone. The extra hinderance from the third armor type probably isn't worth it. You'd be better off with a leather cowl for learning purposes.

In general, when training multiple armors you don't want an armor that covers chest/abdomen/back and your legs, since it takes the lion's share of your armor experience. If you are, your hands and heads should be the same armor type.

The garg shield isn't a bad idea but at your ranks is functionally no different.

If it were me, I'd go tanned leather coat, bone greaves, light chain gloves and helmet. But as I said, I wouldn't bother training bone. It's going to be the same skill as Leather in 3.0 and you'll find it easier to hide.
Re: What's best? 09/05/2011 04:07 PM CDT

If I'm not mistaken, Chain and bone are in the same category so theirs no additional penalty.

Should be leather/cloth, lc/hc/bone, lp/hp
As good almost kill a man as kill a good book; who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God's image; but he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were in the eye.
-John Milton
Re: What's best? 09/05/2011 05:20 PM CDT
>If I'm not mistaken, Chain and bone are in the same category so theirs no additional penalty.

I'm afraid you are. Bone has no partner.

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Re: What's best? 09/05/2011 08:20 PM CDT
<<Should be cloth/leather, bone, lc/hc, lp/hp

Fixed and put in correct order

Waiting for results..................................................................................................................
Re: What's best? 09/05/2011 10:45 PM CDT
find you a set of old forged light chain (hauberk or chain shirt). Hard to beat the combination of protection, stealth hinderance and weight. good luck.
