I use a Vikls Kodus 2HB weapon, 71 stones. I recently raise my strength 5 points from 42 to 47, I didn't change anything else, not stats,armor setup, nothing. And I know I have fatigue problems using the weapon?
I use to fight with it and never get fatigued, now it drains me down and I have to wait fatigue.
Any suggestions?
Re: 2HB question
01/28/2010 05:08 PM CST
Looking at one of the old RT tables, you may have gone from 4/6 RT to 3/4 (assuming those numbers still apply).
In other words, have you noticed that you're swinging faster? If so, that means you're draining fatigue faster than before while not recovering it faster. You'll need to either train stamina or deliberately swing slower.
Artificer Nilassa
In other words, have you noticed that you're swinging faster? If so, that means you're draining fatigue faster than before while not recovering it faster. You'll need to either train stamina or deliberately swing slower.
Artificer Nilassa
Re: 2HB question
01/28/2010 05:26 PM CST
Yeah- with higher strength than you, Flavius will get tired swinging his 75 stone mallet of doom. Options include raising stamina, using buffs/spells that will help(courage, zephyr) or add an appraisal between swings.
Re: 2HB question
01/28/2010 07:11 PM CST
I agree with Nilassa, your RT probably dropped. Training stamina will offset this best.
Re: 2HB question
01/28/2010 09:37 PM CST
Thank you all, yes that is what it is. Time to time more stats!
Re: 2HB question
01/28/2010 11:50 PM CST
<<Thank you all, yes that is what it is. Time to time more stats!
In the meantime (TDPs can sometimes take a little while to accumulate), I would try and pause an extra second or two in between swings. It's not like you have to swing so fast.
The gods are jerks. No, really.
In the meantime (TDPs can sometimes take a little while to accumulate), I would try and pause an extra second or two in between swings. It's not like you have to swing so fast.
The gods are jerks. No, really.