9 mages came to the Trial tonight, and after 3 anlas of fighting, we have our fourth piece to the Trial of Champions puzzle!
Solvar grade 43 65 points.
Next week, Solvar will face off against Rizzous, Therlyn and Sylvaran in an all for one death match! All four will enter the pit and use their winning skill in the final fight!
Afterward, we'll have a Baronial Battle! Anyone who wishes to enter may for 5 plat lirum. In Baronial battle, all fighters enter the pit at once and fight. Last one to not die wins the pot of 20%. We'll need plenty of empaths and some raising clerics who will all be paid well for their efforts.
Time permitting, after the Baronial Battle, we'll have platinum grudge matches! You pick your opponent and set your own rules for a challenge format fight. Both fighters pay a plat. Winner gets theirs back. Loser's plat goes to the arena fund.
Make sure and come join or watch the action! Signups for the Baronial Battle start at 9pm est. The Championship fight will be at 10pm est.
Gladiator Maulem~
Read the Barbarian Seven!