Something New! 11/15/2001 09:12 PM CST

For those of you who weren't at the guild meeting tonight, or for those who were but like to have a summary, we released something new at the end of the meeting.

There is some new jewelry out there that is a little different than anything that has existed before. With this, there are some cautions that go along with it.

Not everything out there works with this system. The items need to be set up specifically for it, so don't expect that everything will suddenly give the same information as this new stuff.

Second, only Traders can see the new information, and even then you need skill in order to get it consistently.

Also, the item needs to be in your hand in order to see the new information. Once you see what some of the information is, I think it becomes obvious why you shouldn't be able to see it if its not in hand. However, this means you won't be able to tell if it is set up for this system when its on the shelf in the shop or in merchant.

I think this is something that everyone will enjoy and benefit from. Well, at least Traders will.

Take care,

Godrich de'Finchal