Market Tables 10/21/2001 07:58 PM CDT

As many of you already know, we rolled in a number of upgrades and bug fixes to the market tables on Friday night. Again, I apologize to the Traders that we had to ask to vacate their tables in order to get the new things set up.

So far, the changes look like they are working as intended, and they clean up a lot of the little bugs that have been part of the system from the start. Things like refering to all traders as "he" in some messaging, being able to look at items on a covered table and so on.

There was one other bug that I had not been aware of until today, that of web keys occaisionall disintegrating or otherwise disappearing when folks tried to get them from the tables. This is due to the nature of the keys themselves, so I have made it that web keys can no longer be put on the tables.

Take care,

Godrich de'Finchal