A Few Approaching Changes... 05/22/2001 10:08 PM CDT
There are a few changes that will be coming soon, besides the already-announced armor & creature stamina work.

1. We've re-added the 'light hit' for hits that do very little damage.

2. In order to add some additional distinction between the parry and shield defenses, we've modified the role that balance plays in the two calculations. Shield will become much more balance-neutral, and poor balance will have a much lesser effect on parry.

The adjustments to parry and shield have the added effect of providing a little more survivability to something that is knocked prone or badly off balance. They will be released when we are more satisfied with the results.

3. A third (unspecified) change will be announced at SimuCon, and released immediately after. I'm not going to elaborate until then, beyond to say that you all should appreciate the change.

-- GM Veyl