Creature Stamina 05/04/2001 07:45 PM CDT
Creature combat damage has been moved over to utilize the same calculations as players. The result of that means some really good things for us in the future (from messaging, to stun times, to spell effects, etc). There will be temporary code in place to reduce creature stamina on the fly (since its currently very high with respect to player stamina). Once this change is in place, all creature profiles will need to be modified (the temp code will handle things until the changes are mode).

We've put things in place to try making this transition as smooth as possible. Changing the creature settings will take some time (but could not be done before these calculation were in place). In the interim, you may notice a couple of things.

1) The code in place to adjust things on the fly is set to leave the creature stamina a bit higher than where it most likely will be once the defaults get changed. It will cause (most likely) the creature to be harder to damage than normal until the new profiles are in.

2) The first time you hit a creature, its health will fall quite a bit. Thats due to the on-the-fly reduction of their stamina.

As the creatures are changed over, the two above things will go away.

Weapons experience has been adjusted. It may suffer some (on the low side) due to #1 above but will right itself as the creatures are changed over.

Creatures should not die necessarily faster or slower than before. They'll be harder to damage but wont take as much damage to kill (in general). Given that, they will be harder to stun but will not come out of stuns as quickly.

All of the above only applies to combat damage. Changes in other systems may need to follow to adjust to the lower creature staminas. They will happen as the profiles are put in place.

Creature bleeding: All creatures with more than 2 legs do not lose hitpoints when bleeding, whereas all creature with 2 legs or fewer do lose hitpoints, even when they shouldn't. This is a problem with the core code and hopefully will be fixed soon.


GM Damissak