Info I want to share.... 05/04/2001 06:15 AM CDT
<<PvP: 5307 attempts, 1437 successes, 3498 caught

<<NPC: 8233 attempts, 4322 successes, 76 caught

<<Merchant: 7591 attempts, 7049 successes, 327 caught

Now. I'm still monitoring this for sure but at the moment..from my point of view, everything is balancing out real nice. PvP stealing has ALWAYS been lopsided due to practicing. NPC has also always been hard to track well but... mostly it's the young. Shops though.... Those are decent. It's your focus for learning. Around 4% are getting caught. That number is better than it was... by good amount. And, from what I see as well, there was about a total worth of 300 plats in items stolen (they pawn for less, sure but gawd!) I will continue to monitor this... forever.

Pilf just got 1036 coins from a grizzled old war veteran. NPC's ain't just for the young ;) Nice grab Pilf.

GM Royce