Update 10/12/2000 10:59 PM CDT
Ever had that problem of trying to sneak in past Maratana Djabadary? Well, Kalag has spoken to Maratana Djabadary about this, and if you have the right to wear the titles of Brigand, Watcher or Wraith, you will be allowed entrance passed by sneaking past.

Also some of Maratana's messages have been altered.

Update 10/20/2000 02:05 AM CDT
Exp involving Ambushing has been corrected.
Harder and better suprises may actually seem to teach better.

Update/bug squashing 10/24/2000 11:10 PM CDT
A bug was found in cookie #6 and #7, both bugs have been squashed. Should opperate as was intended..

Update.... 10/29/2000 08:17 AM CST
As it was meant to be... Shop stealing now resets the hiding timer. It wasn't before. Since there is a risk when you steal from a shop (Worse than death if you ask most thieves), it was fixed.

Also, it removes the stalk timer now as well.

GM Royce
Update 2......and 3 for that matter 10/29/2000 10:57 AM CST
2) Khri SKK has been added into stealing to remove the approach time if you have it up... just like ST**H does. It also helps against a few other things.....which I won't mention ;)

3) What is considered "In Town" was tweaked as well for the stealing approach. It was brought more into line with how stalking sees it. So, if you could get those 1 sec sneak RT's there..but still got the approach time for stealing, it has now changed for that room.

GM Royce
Update.... 10/30/2000 04:42 PM CST
The hiding EXP has recently changed (Some of you might have noticed).

Basicly...in a nut shell... The EXP was doubled as was the timer.

For those of you whom just randomly hide every now and then, you'll basicly notice no diff at all. For those of you that get the timer to reset, you'll benefit.

This will be monitored for a few more days to see if tweaking needs done. But for now, it looks good.

GM Royce
Update.... 10/30/2000 11:19 PM CST
Mark has been updated (rather suddenly). I'll bet you can sort out what it does now huh?

GM Royce
Sleight Of Hand Update... 11/08/2000 04:30 PM CST
The coin sleight of hand is currently being tyied into the AVOID system.

AVOID ANNOYANCES will basicly squelch it for those that don't want to be bothered.

And 3 of (4 really, but they aint seen it yet) of the other tricks have been found. One opening left.

GM Royce
Update... 11/20/2000 11:39 PM CST
A change has went into effect regarding your bonus and certain skills. Mainly, this change affects rangers, but you reap some reward as well.

Rangers now get a bonus to Hide, Sneak, Stalk and Search based on thier...erm.. "oneness with the wild" and where they happen to be. In town or out....etc..etc.

These were never in place before and should have been a long long time ago for rangers.

Search itself never had a bonus for anyone really. Now Rangers bet a bonus to it and thieves get a bonus to it based on... their bonus and being in or out of town...etc..etc.

Here's the kicker for you thieves. With a bad bonus, you search BETTER than if you had a good bonus. You get a decent bonus to searching with a good bonus now, don't get me wrong. But the worse your bonus and the more you are wanted by the law, the more paranoid you should be about who is in the shadows or who is following you...etc..etc. Make sense? It did to me.

Have fun...any happy searching.. to both guilds.

My special thanks goes out to GM Tarragon for jumping in with this and make sure everything went right for his splinter-lipped tree kiss....erm... I mean Rangers and for taking care of the search verb ;)

GM Royce
Update.... 11/21/2000 07:33 PM CST
Ok, this one is just for you thieves in every way shape and form...

Backstab has been adjusted to allow thieves to teach other thieves the skill WHILE in combat.

GM Royce

My special thanks go out to GM Brigdha for getting this done for us.
Update....about me ;) 12/18/2000 08:50 PM CST
I just wanted to let you guys and gals know where I've vanished to for the past couple weeks.

As some of you know I'm an Electrical Eng/Electrician/Electronic tech...etc..etc. Something I designed and have been working on for the past 8 months was finaly installed. Being my baby, I had to be there pretty much 24/7 to make sure things went right...which for the most part did. 2 weeks and 167.75 hours of work later..it's in and running (electricaly better than I planned). There were other things that went in that weren't quite as nice though which needed to be sorted out. From the sounds I hear at the moment though, even those are running. (Ya, I'm at my desk at work.. gotta love it). That's the good news.

Bad news, An industrial garage door opener that wasn't working when I went to look at it picked that very moment to work....while still in manual mode...and automatic at the same time. Those that know what these look like...the have about 40 feet of chain tied to a pully. When that spins at 1750 rpms...and hits someone..it aint pretty. I've some nerve damage in my right arm that I hope is temporary. At the moment I'm typing with my left hand and right index finger (Which I can't feel).

More good news though... I've a nice big ol stockpile of stuff that I can get to you still for just such cases. Plan on something around Christmas just because ;) Plan on a huge one for the new year.

So, I'm back..but ya gotta bear with..it aint to easy typin at the moment. I'm going to see if GM Shakahn will take over the Ask GM folder for me till I'm 100%.

And...it's good ta be back.. I miss all of ya.

GM Royce
Quick Update... 01/12/2001 07:20 PM CST
Your newest khri will now let you ASSESS in rooms where it can be used. This wasn't happening.

Thanks to Jennai (I think) whom seemed "too" happy to make more work for me when she pointed this one out.

GM Royce
Realism Update... 01/17/2001 10:58 AM CST
While watching an episode of x-files, I happened to find out that only 50% of the population can smell the almond smell of cyanide so....

As fo this moment, 50% or so of you will smell it and see the dart, the other 50% will just see the dart.

No big thing, thought you should know since some of you will notice the change.

GM Royce
Update.... 01/17/2001 08:15 PM CST
SIGN has been modified to work with darkness better. If you have something going and someone signs something....you'll see it. (Even if they can't see your reply). If it is in the darkness, non-signers won't be able to see you do it at all.... not even the knuckle thing.

You'll notice a slight change in the message when you see and do signing in the darkness.

And, I tweaked ASSESS again to be sure things were working as planned in the darkness.

Happy Signing.

GM Royce
Updates.... 01/18/2001 03:53 PM CST
Disarm and Pick can no longer be used in darkened rooms unless the room is lit or... you have a special ability working.

More to follow along these lines I am sure.

GM Royce
Updates.... 01/18/2001 08:39 PM CST
SIGN has been modified so you can sign while hidden. If someone saw you hide and they can sign... you can sign back and forth while hidden.

Watch has also been modifed to fix some bugs with it (Mainly the repeated message about so and so missing along with other things) And it has also been updated so that if you are WATCHING someone when they hide...and you see them hide... you'll don't have to research them out after a minute or so like before. You'll always know they are there basicly. You'll still be able to stop watching someone.

Good luck with this and have fun.

GM Royce
Update 05/03/2001 03:23 PM CDT
The "Practice Room", And only that room has been adjusted to allow spars and your Khri.

If ya die there, you are all on your own.

GM Royce
Update... 06/16/2001 07:40 AM CDT
Khri 5 and 11 have been updated to include your bonus when kicking it in.

Yes, I'm spilling this for the first time, Kick a khri in out of town and it is not nearly as useful as it could be if you kick it in within the gates.

Khri 11 will will use it more than 5. Khri 11 was found to go a tad weird (and low) with higher level thieves and it has been fixed. This will be more apparent at being fixed now with the higher thieves in game doing stealing runs, be it Shops, Player, or NPC.

As thieves go higher and higher and higher, they will really notice this. Khri 5 is mainly used for the erm.. special "walking" ability. Since 11 doesn't worry about this, (meaning your mind can fonus on other aspects of it) the other things it helps with you'll notice the increase to.

Good luck and have fun testing it. I did. (The poor guy)

GM Royce
Update... 07/18/2001 04:17 PM CDT
By request.

You should now be able to switch in and out of brawl mode while hidden and invisible and such

Happy hunting gang.

GM Royce
Update... 01/17/2002 09:58 AM CST
With some help from GM Rigby, your contacts now work in Throne City.

GM Royce
Update... 01/17/2002 11:24 AM CST
More of stalking has now changed...

The verb has been redone to use some of combat to judge where you are in relationship to a critter...etc.

If you just type "STALK" it will default to the first critter in the room OR... more importantly it will default to whatever critter you are facing/engaging at the time.

STALK GOBLIN will still work as will STALK OTHER GOBLIN. Your bets bet though if you like to train ambush and backstab, just type STALK and it'll know where you want to go (if you engage the thing first that is)

This goes along with the bug fix to the "stalk something from Crossing to the Islands in 1.2 seconds". Any problems. feel free to let me know.

GM Royce
Update... 03/04/2002 06:59 PM CST
I am now the very proud father of a 7 pound baby boy.

My son and my wife are fine. I just thought you should all know myself and my wife brought a new thief into the world. Once I get a photo, I'll post it if you all wish.

GM Royce (Otherwise known as Major, Father of 4 and as of last Thursday... a 30 year old).