Welcome to all my Guild Mates.
::Walking into your boards is a older human Paladin wearing a suit of chain::
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sir Addran of Therenborough.
::Holding Helm in the crook of my arm I snap my heals as I stand rigidly at attention::
I have been given the distinct privelage to monitor these boards by Lord Raphael and Lady Naiph. Recently I was implored guarding a keep on the borderlands of the northern province. However it would seem that as a Paladin gets on in age, even the years of Service one spends for his Baron mean little.
::Addran runs fingers through his thinning grey hair, blue eyes however sharp showing a keen mind::
Given command of this outpost on the message boards I look forward to working with each and every one of you. I will try to be fair in all I do, holding the rules of these boards as dear to me as I do the Code our guild follows.
::Addran's face warm with pride at his new position changes to a more stern look::
First, know that I am your monitor and will be watching these boards and the Combat boards closely. I know you have not had a monitor specifically designated to your boards for some time. A few things need to change to be quite direct.
One of my peeves when I wondered the boards before is that the folder designated for responses to the guild guru's often became general discussion. I will be most strict in making sure that responses are just that. Response folders are for responding to the GM's. If you wish to respond to another poster who responded to the GM's, I ask you do so in the General Discussions Folder. Again, this one folder will be strictly enforced.
Each thing has it's place, if you are speaking on shields in the Soul Discussion folder, it will be moved. If you are Flaming in Discussions it will be moved. As Paladins we should all have a bit more patience and thought into making sure we do our work not only well, but correctly.
::Addran's face lightens again as he gets the stricter part of his speech out of the way, the worn lines on his elderly face lessening::
Hopefully you will find my posts as humorous as I have found those of my fellow monitors.
Thank each and every one of you for your time and your patience as I know I tend to ramble in my old age. Youngin's like you are always in a hurry, so please enjoy our boards.
Sir Addran, Paladin Board Monitor