New Enchantment 01/15/2002 06:55 PM CST
A new minor enchantment is live for Moon Mages, known as the Lunar Aura Device.

It's actually been live for a while; I was hoping someone would find it by accident, but when no one did, I dropped a few hints. Ask your fellow players for info. Eventually, hints will go into a library book or NPC when I create some more minor enchantments to go with it.

What does it do? I'll leave that for you to play with and find out...

However, when Magic v2.1 goes live in a few months, it will have a very interesting side effect for non-Moon Mages, and one guild in particular may find it even more useful. That aspect is not live yet and won't be until the new magic system is in place. Meanwhile, it does do a few other interesting things, if you can figure them out.

Note that this enchantment does not replace the planned Aura Sight spell, as some have surmised. ;)
