I posted this awhile back when the issue arose, as it has again, so I thought I should drop a reminder.
Thoughtcast - If you are thoughtcasting vulgarities, OOC, sexual comments and ennuendo, etc, to someone, you can (and in most instances will) be given an offical warning for it.
Because of the fact that via seer's sense links, thoughtcast can travel to more than the person you are sending your thoughts too, who may not be as willing to hear what you have to say.
Even if you know for certain that neither you or your target have a link on them, I would rather be safe than sorry, since you never know when x may just drop a link on you when you run to snag a drink of water, or have to make a mad dash to knock the kitty off the counter.
So, the rule of confining OOC, Vulgarity, Sexual comments, etc to whispers and private rooms (to willing recipients only - which means if they aren't, and they report or assist about it, your in trouble) affects thoughtcasts just the same as saying it out loud.
Thoughtcast is an IC means of communication that does allow for some private discussion, but not for everything.