And where I'll be for the next month...
I'm sorry that I didn't provide an explanation beforehand, but as they say, stuff happens. As several of you know, I'm a college student majoring in the dreadfully dry subject of statistics, and a major portion of our final grades is in doing the dreaded group projects. At the level of statistics I'm at right now (how I yearn for the days of Mickey Mouse stats!), you can't just solve a problem in ten minutes or less. If you can, you've generally done something wrong. ^_^ After spring break, the workload picked up considerably (probably in part because the professors realized just how much they still had to do!)
That, coupled with scrounging around looking for a job (since I'm definitively worn out of school and can't conceive spending the next three years working on a graduate degree without going certifiably insane), has devoured what time I've had here to a minimum. What time I do have is spent trying to finish up those projects that you've all known about in a timely fashion; I've deliberately kept away from the boards as much as possible if for no other reason so that I can stay focused on what I need to finish doing -- getting out the promised phat lewt to you folks.
I hate admitting as much, given my position, but the guarranteed best way for me to kill a coding (and homework) mood, proven time and time again, is to pop on the message boards and start seriously fretting about a thread. You may think that's a weak excuse, and that's your right, but think about it this way -- wouldn't you be a lot more concerned if I didn't get worried about how and what you guys thought and how to improve the circumstances surrounding your complaints? Not being here on the boards has helped me focus some on getting the stuff you need DONE, and until the magic date(tm) passes, that will in all likelihood continue to be the case, when I again acquire the time to romp and frolic on these boards.
The magic date is May 3rd -- my graduation from college. Well, okay, really May 4th -- I need to move out of my dormitory too. <g> Getting my bachelor's degree rates kinda high on my todo list at the moment... assuming I ever get this data compiled...
Warm Regards,