Well, some players beat me to the punch here <tickles Oasa>, but for those of you that weren't at the empath meetings or haven't read the logs yet...
About a month ago Rhook had a variety of RL problems that just came to a head, and in fairness to you folks since he was unable to continue with his GM duties for the foreseeable future, he's stepped down from DragonRealms. That left us with a noticeable gap for a liaison with you guys. Since it's traditional to look within staff first for replacements, and since she knew that I'd played an empath, Riel tapped me on the shoulder, asking if I wanted to be empath liaison.
"Yes. But..."
"Do you want to be liaison?"
And so she yanked me over to Brigdha. At the threat of weird things involving vast amounts of pain happening to my toenails and other assorted body parts from the both of them should I back down...here I am, raring to go as your new liaison. :) Yippee!
Just a few things to help me give you guys the best and to smooth our time together:
1) I'd much rather see a post on the boards than an email. The logic behind that is that if you make a board post, I can save time and answer the same question for (potentially) lots of people at once, instead of sending just you a response, and then Joe and Jill and Susie and Marty the same response the next week, and then Erin a response three weeks down the line, and then Tracey a response on Easter. :)
2) Liaison is spelled with two i's, not one. Okay, that doesn't really affect anything, but it's slightly grating to have folks misspell your job. <ducks>
3) Flames = bad. Yes, I'll read them, but do not expect me to respond to them, even if you hid a really good idea in the middle of it. If you're fond of your good idea, give it a home of its own in suggestions; don't stunt it by nestling it in the middle of a raging inferno.
Looking forward to working with you all!
GameMaster Nionon Altarf