Healing System Changes 07/18/2000 11:17 PM CDT
Thanks to GM Brigdha, GM Enbarr, GM Rhook, myself, and others, a fair number of changes are about to be released. We hope that you like them!

Challenge: Challenge to the Pain will no longer allow you to come out of it with fatal wounds, such as a missing head or chest, or non-bleeding wounds which should be bleeding. All critical wounds in such a challenge will automatically be reduced at the end of the Challenge so that the survivor does not have an instantly fatal wound. After all, in a Challenge to the Pain, lethal blows are pulled at the last instant to be non-lethal. Second, all wounds that should be bleeding will be bleeding.

Resurrection: When the body lives, the heart beats. Any wounds that should be bleeding but aren't will begin to bleed again once the body is alive.

Herbal Healing: As herbs invigorate the body and cause it to heal, non-bleeding wounds that should be bleeding will begin to do so. For example, if your arm and hand are cut off, once your arm is healed a bit, you'll be able to bleed from the hand as it too is healed.

Provincial Empaths/Healers: The provincial healers will now accept coin as payment, if you have sufficient coins to pay for your debt for healing. If you do not, you will owe the province for the funds, as before. Being healed by one of these kind people will also cause any wounds that should be bleeding but aren't to begin bleeding once more, as their methods of healing begin to take effect.

What is NOT changed? Standard Empath healing will not cause wounds that should be bleeding but aren't to being bleeding again... at this time.

Comments, concerns, requests and suggestions should be posted to the Healing Systems topic in the Empaths - Healer's Haven Category. Problems... oh, I suppose you can post problem reports there too, but if you find any, please BUG them.

Towint B'niyvyl
Healing Systems GameMaster