Hello folks!
I've put up a Cleric Guild website to use as a permanent post for information about the guild. While message boards are a good medium to discuss current topics of interest, old posts are overwritten and forgotten very quickly. The website will be less finite in that you can access it at any time to see what i'm working on now and what our plans for future things are.
Our hope is that this website will keep you folks more informed about the processes, and it will indeed increase your access to day-to-day information on what we're up to. This may or may not work out, so consider this website on a 'trial period' for now. If the result is unfavorable (people constantly harping about 'planned' projects not being complete, for example) the website will most likely come down. With this little window into our GM lives comes the responsibility to use the information wisely. Using it against us will be essentially closing your own window. Please keep in mind that nothing on the website ensures or guarantees the release of something -- it's merely a spot for us to muse about what we would like to do with the guild.
There's also a section where you can answer polls on certain issues we'd like your opinions on. We'll update it with more polls as more issues come up. The current one involves the importance of Enchanting, Spirit and other large projects versus small month-to-month releases. Make sure to stop by and give us your opinion on the issue!
All that said, my hope is that this experiment will prove a success and it will keep you folks better informed about what is going on and what the future holds. Enjoy!
The URL is: http://www.geocities.com/dr_skralthaen/index.html
-GM Skralthaen