A while back someone mentioned that we don't have any tools for light clerics to handle certain situations. The following is some work that resulted from that post. Now, don't get me wrong, this is NOT reserved for any one sort of cleric, but instead turned out to be a tool for any and for all to use.
A tool is just what it is. It is up to you. As a guild we can make use of it, or cast it aside as a waste of time. I hope you can come together as a guild and get the most potential out of it.
I really want to thank Atrathien for being a source of inspiration for the concept, and for putting in the needed code for the magic system.
GM Enbarr.
Brand is an ability to place a mark upon the spirit of a character. This mark is visible to any cleric who PERCEIVES that character. Not only will the mark and the reason be visible, but you will also be able to see who placed that mark.
The duration of the Brand is 6 real life months unless removed.
The brand can only be removed with the use of the spell UNCURSE. Uncurse must be cast by two clerics, and they must have more circles combined than that of the cleric who placed the brand.
How will you learn this new ability? One of your guildleaders was taught this as a young cleric, and if they feel you have advanced enough in the guild, they will teach it to you when you circle with them. (Of course, Im not telling you which guildleader. You have to figure that out for yourself.)
Below is a listing a cleric who has this ability will get when they enter BRAND HELP
Brand places a mark upon the soul of a character. This mark, the reasons for its placement, and the cleric who placed it there are visible by perceiving the character.
It is up to each cleric to determine what warrants the brand to be placed. A guide to each mark is listed for your reference.
1) Rude/Abusive during resurrection or rejuvenation -- If a character is offensive during a time that the cleric is attempting to render aid to them, the cleric might feel that the character is ungrateful for the intervention of the gods and not deserving of future aid.
2) Sacrilege -- A character may be witnessed by a cleric committing an act in defiance of the gods. Defiling an altar, or being abusive or disruptive in a holy place are examples.
3) Theft -- Theft from the cleric can be grounds for a brand during a reasonable time after the act. (Time sensitive)
4) Assault on the innocent -- While it may not be your place to be the judge of conflicts, this mark could indicate an unwarranted attack upon an innocent or defenseless person.
5) Assault on the holy -- This mark usually indicates an attack upon a fellow cleric.
6) Desecration of the dead -- Abuse of a corpse, intentionally dragging the body away from the aid of the gods fall into this area.
7) Graverobbing -- A character who graverobs anyone may be a target for this brand.(Time sensitive)
Be warned, established abuse of this ability to harass others will result in it being removed.
Brand. (Not consent)
01/21/2000 03:06 PM CST
I was rather surprised at all of the questions regarding Brand being consent to PVP. To be honest I had not considered the issue. So I took some time to consider it, and to get some feedback from the rest of the staff.
Brand is a non-offensive response to a situation or action. It produces no stun, no damage, no restictions, no RT, and no combat advantage to the brander.
It can only be seen by a select group of characters, and those characters are not obligated to respond to or respect the brand in any fashion.
This means that the brand is /not/ consent to PVP attacks.
As in any case, there are circumstances where a GM may decide that certain actions outside the normal are justified, but these usually occur in extreme cases of abuse, and are dealt with in policy.
GM Enbarr.
Brand is a non-offensive response to a situation or action. It produces no stun, no damage, no restictions, no RT, and no combat advantage to the brander.
It can only be seen by a select group of characters, and those characters are not obligated to respond to or respect the brand in any fashion.
This means that the brand is /not/ consent to PVP attacks.
As in any case, there are circumstances where a GM may decide that certain actions outside the normal are justified, but these usually occur in extreme cases of abuse, and are dealt with in policy.
GM Enbarr.
Brand folder, and other matters.
02/09/2000 06:09 AM CST
As many of you have already noticed, I asked our good board monitor crew to set us up a new folder just for discussion of the newest clerical ability...Brand.
Although I realize there will be some heated discussions and finger pointing occurring in there, it is my hopes that we will also be able to share with one another "positive" experiences.
I am in a unique position, as I "know" when brand is used, and oft get to look in on the situation personally. You would be surprised to know that Brand is not used very often at all, and when it is, it is usually being used in a manner that I might use it if I were a player.
Yes, I have seen brand used in ways that I do not find desirable, but I do not put myself into a position to judge a clerics motives. Brand is an IC tool, and our characters are going to use that tool as they see fit.
Abuse will be handled quickly and without mercy. What is abuse? Abuse is not that a person was branded and we dont think it was justified. Abuse is a brand that is not based on IC reasons, but because Player A does not like Player B. Abuse is a cleric walking through town, branding everyone they meet, because it is fun.
A warning. If I pull your branding ability, you will never get it back, there are no second chances.
GM Enbarr.
Although I realize there will be some heated discussions and finger pointing occurring in there, it is my hopes that we will also be able to share with one another "positive" experiences.
I am in a unique position, as I "know" when brand is used, and oft get to look in on the situation personally. You would be surprised to know that Brand is not used very often at all, and when it is, it is usually being used in a manner that I might use it if I were a player.
Yes, I have seen brand used in ways that I do not find desirable, but I do not put myself into a position to judge a clerics motives. Brand is an IC tool, and our characters are going to use that tool as they see fit.
Abuse will be handled quickly and without mercy. What is abuse? Abuse is not that a person was branded and we dont think it was justified. Abuse is a brand that is not based on IC reasons, but because Player A does not like Player B. Abuse is a cleric walking through town, branding everyone they meet, because it is fun.
A warning. If I pull your branding ability, you will never get it back, there are no second chances.
GM Enbarr.
Brand Change
05/23/2000 08:02 PM CDT
A simple and logical change went into Brand this evening. Clerics will no longer be able to brand a player three times in rapid succession. It was a bit much for three brands to be placed in a matter of a few seconds during the same incident, and it does not hold much weight in any case to see three brands from the same cleric.
GM Enbarr.
GM Enbarr.
Brand Changes
08/14/2000 10:04 PM CDT
Two modifications to the brand ability have gone live this evening. The changes are as follows:
1) The brand for 'Assault on the Holy' will now only work if you were in fact attacked by the person you are branding -- and only if you did not attack them first. This brand can now be considered "airtight" as far as game-mechanics go. As a result, it is now time sensitive as the stealing and graverobbing brands have been since the release of the ability. You will need to brand them shortly after the crime takes place. The brand for 'Assault on the Innocent' hasn't changed.
2) There was a bug that allowed a Cleric to brand someone who attempted to steal from them, even if the offender was not actually caught. This was never intended to be possible, and has been fixed. You can now only brand people for theft if you actually see them attempt to steal from you.
We hope that this will make the ability a bit more viable and trustworthy in judging certain situations. A thank you to the players who made the suggestions and drew attention to various bugs so that we could make these changes, and in return help the ability grow more stable. Please keep up with the constructive suggestions!
-GM Skralthaen
1) The brand for 'Assault on the Holy' will now only work if you were in fact attacked by the person you are branding -- and only if you did not attack them first. This brand can now be considered "airtight" as far as game-mechanics go. As a result, it is now time sensitive as the stealing and graverobbing brands have been since the release of the ability. You will need to brand them shortly after the crime takes place. The brand for 'Assault on the Innocent' hasn't changed.
2) There was a bug that allowed a Cleric to brand someone who attempted to steal from them, even if the offender was not actually caught. This was never intended to be possible, and has been fixed. You can now only brand people for theft if you actually see them attempt to steal from you.
We hope that this will make the ability a bit more viable and trustworthy in judging certain situations. A thank you to the players who made the suggestions and drew attention to various bugs so that we could make these changes, and in return help the ability grow more stable. Please keep up with the constructive suggestions!
-GM Skralthaen
Brand/Uncurse Bug Fix
10/23/2000 09:17 PM CDT
The spell uncurse has been changed to prevent non clerics from using magical devices to remove brands. Those not of our guild do not possess the needed knowledge to remove any form of curse from an actual soul. The simple magical devices that are available out there are limited in use, and only effective in breaking simple curses on common items.
I am pleased with a side effect of this change. If a non cleric tries to break a curse on an item in the hands of a branded player, they will find they are unable to manage it, because of the added complication of the curse on that players soul.
GM Enbarr
I am pleased with a side effect of this change. If a non cleric tries to break a curse on an item in the hands of a branded player, they will find they are unable to manage it, because of the added complication of the curse on that players soul.
GM Enbarr
Brand Gone, Guild Guard Buffed Up, Future Targeted Communes
01/16/2002 11:38 PM CST
Meeting Synopsis:
1) Brand in its current incarnation is gone. See the log for a rather lengthy explanation of why.
2) New mechanics are in place for automated long-term lockouts for those who are tossed out of the guild by the monk repeatedly.
3) Brand will be developed into various targeted communes down the road, but no exact details are currently available. Suggestions in the "Communes" or "Suggestions for Improvement" topics are more than welcome.
A full meeting log can be found on my website at:
-GM Skralthaen
1) Brand in its current incarnation is gone. See the log for a rather lengthy explanation of why.
2) New mechanics are in place for automated long-term lockouts for those who are tossed out of the guild by the monk repeatedly.
3) Brand will be developed into various targeted communes down the road, but no exact details are currently available. Suggestions in the "Communes" or "Suggestions for Improvement" topics are more than welcome.
A full meeting log can be found on my website at:
-GM Skralthaen