Re: SOE Roundup - TDP Changes
07/21/2019 02:34 PM CDT
The problem with this idea is that it gives something to the players for X number of years and now it's gonna take that
away. I had this happen in another game I use to play and I left because of that reason. Obviously, there is a right and wrong way to do this. If you wanna give lower levels a foothold against HLC then there are other ways of doing that than doing a stat wipe, readjustment, new limits. From what I gather, this is just a scale down. Why not scale up?
200 is the stat cap limit right now. Why not give more TDP's per level, give a new basic stat face to starting characters, increase the TDP gain for every skill you have. Blow it up. Heck sell a lvl booster, stat package, or skill boost. Give players more not less.
I don't like the idea of changing the face of DR this late in the game and I understand you're trying to balance player
out but a lvl 10 should not be able to hold a candle to a lvl 100. The biggest concern is that players are gonna take
a serious nerf at HLC for this change either way it goes. Players that have played for X number of years with the current
system in place might view this change as a total waste of time. I have trained hard to get my stats the way
I want them, DR never offered me much in terms of stats as a gor'tog so I had to fix that myself.
Of the two idea's I would go with number 2 but I still don't like this idea. There would just be a new cap on stats, and a new max to aim for, it doesn't do anything but scale players down. Yet it does still give me control over where I put the points which is the only nice factor about it. I'm gonna just say it I don't trust developers to know what is in my best interest stat-wise and they have never been plentiful with the calculations. I gain what is it 100 or 150 TDP's per level at lowest level. Meaning I gain a good chuck of my TDP's through training. Isn't that the way it's suppose to be? I put in time and effort to get to my goal but I do it all myself. So after all this time building a character my way there is this idea of a cookie-cutter build for all guilds and races? I don't like it, this change will nerf me big time.
Please, don't do this!