B&E Additional Rooms Broke? 03/03/2020 08:56 PM CST
I've done a few group runs now, and I've never seen a house bigger than 3 rooms. As I understand it, that's not working as intended.

[Someone Else's Home, Kitchen]
Oak floors lie beneath cloth-of-gold rugs. A long andesite counter fills the center of the room.
You also see the kitchen window.
Also here: Pathfinder ** who is hiding, Grand Master Ranger ** who is hiding, Nemophilist ** who is hiding, Leaf Chaser ** who is hiding and Woodswoman ** who is hiding.
Obvious exits: northwest.

You stride northwest.

[Someone Else's Home, Bedroom]
Ironwood floors lie beneath faille rugs. A massive bronze-framed bed fills the center of the room.
Also here: Pathfinder Maycen who is hiding.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

You stride northwest.

[Someone Else's Home, Work Room]
Anli floors lie beneath cashmere rugs. A crowded anli work table fills the center of the room.
Obvious exits: southeast.
Re: B&E Additional Rooms Broke? 03/04/2020 05:22 AM CST
How many of those are F2P?

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
Re: B&E Additional Rooms Broke? 03/04/2020 09:57 AM CST

For sure two of the survival primes were not f2p, not sure on status of others. I would have assumed that would trigger at least 2 additional random rooms. Unless its capped at 1 survival prime bonus room, but then a warrior mage and trader have more benefits than two survival primes which doesn't seem appropriate. When in test, my groups were also not seeing more than 3 rooms though I had assumed it may have been fixed before prime release. I also only saw 1 method of entry experience. I suppose its possible only 2 out of 6 of us were paid accounts, and I could follow up to see. Has anyone successfully seen dual entry method experience work, and if so under what circumstances?

Re: B&E Additional Rooms Broke? 03/20/2020 07:12 PM CDT
It appears that all of the group benefits were broken... My apologies.

This should be fixed in all instances.

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at DR-JAVAC@play.net.
Re: B&E Additional Rooms Broke? 03/24/2020 08:12 PM CDT

[Someone Else's Home, Kitchen]
Ironwood floors lie beneath voile rugs. A long onyx counter fills the center of the room.
You also see the kitchen window.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, southwest, west, northwest.

Looks great, a real benefit to going in a group. Thanks, Javac.

Re: B&E Additional Rooms Broke? 05/12/2020 07:31 AM CDT
I think there's still a bug with grouping and exp, or is this intended? I did get an extra room, but my timing triggers were not firing properly because missing the messages, so I'm not 100% on if I got extra time or not. That'll require more testing.

First test is with a lockpick as entry method, 2 survival primes:

Entry messages:
Leader: With aid from your group, you scale up the side of a wall, quickly disabling the lock on the window and slip inside, leaving a rope for your group to follow.
Group: With aid from his group, <leader> scales up the side of a wall, quickly disabling the lock on the window and slips inside, leaving a rope for you to follow.

Skill gains ( both characters )
Learned: Thievery(+17), Stealth(+17), Athletics(+34), Locksmithing(+17)

Second is same as the first test, but using a rope as entry method:

Entry messages
Leader: You scale up the side of a wall, quickly slipping inside.
Group: <leader> scales up the side of a wall, quickly slips inside, leaving you to follow his path up the wall.

Skill gains ( both characters )
Learned: Thievery(+17), Stealth(+17), Athletics(+34)

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
Re: B&E Additional Rooms Broke? 05/12/2020 07:40 PM CDT

I think its intended that you only get double entry exp with 3 or more survival primes. I haven't done detailed extra time testing, but I know it does work at least on larger groups. When I do the group burgle before Ranger meeting each week I usually grab about 5 items.

Re: B&E Additional Rooms Broke? 05/12/2020 09:26 PM CDT
>I think its intended that you only get double entry exp with 3 or more survival primes.

So you agree it looks like there's still something buggy then, right?

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
Re: B&E Additional Rooms Broke? 05/15/2020 10:48 AM CDT

Misread experience gain the first time, but I was able to repeat with double lockpick entry method on two survival primes, locking athletics.

Athletics: 4 00% mind lock (34/34) Stealth: 4 00% captivated (26/34)
Locksmithing: 4 00% scrutinizing (17/34) Thievery: 0 00% captivated (26/34)
