Ratha Climbing 06/16/2015 08:55 AM CDT
Any chance we can get some decent climbing on Ratha similar to the wharf on Mriss? Lot's of piers here. I noticed while out here recently that there's really not much. Would be a nice addition. Thanks.

Beast Elec Drister

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here."
―Jayne Cobb

MM1 (EXW) -USN 1999-present
Re: Ratha Climbing 06/21/2015 01:22 PM CDT
+1, the only place I can lock at ~606 athletics is from the vine and that is after 23 minutes of climb practice. Just climbing back and forth only gets me to 1/34
Re: Ratha Climbing 06/21/2015 04:58 PM CDT
>23 minutes of climb practice

That's about right for how long it should take you to lock a skill.

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Re: Ratha Climbing 06/21/2015 05:02 PM CDT
That is not remotely close to true.

Follow @thayelf on Twitter for absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever!
Re: Ratha Climbing 06/21/2015 06:33 PM CDT
GMs have stated that 15-20 minutes is about how long it should take you to get to ML in a skill.

Don't forget to vote:

Re: Ratha Climbing 06/21/2015 07:02 PM CDT
The number Socharis set down is ~10 minutes for going from clear to ML on a skill, but we accept there is a wide variance.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Calvino Italo