All this climbing back and forth is NOT getting a bit tiresome. 07/24/2012 11:59 PM CDT
I've removed the whole "All this climbing back and forth is getting a bit tiresome." thing. It rarely came up and served no real purpose anyhow -- the exp timers and whatnot all still remain in place.

This is live in plat and prime and TF will follow in a few days if nothing unexpected occurs.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: All this climbing back and forth is NOT getting a bit tiresome. 07/25/2012 12:09 AM CDT
>>DR-Raesh: I've removed the whole "All this climbing back and forth is getting a bit tiresome." thing. It rarely came up and served no real purpose anyhow -- the exp timers and whatnot all still remain in place.


Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: All this climbing back and forth is NOT getting a bit tiresome. 07/25/2012 12:45 AM CDT

You are awesome, Raesh.
Re: All this climbing back and forth is NOT getting a bit tiresome. 07/25/2012 07:56 AM CDT
You're pure awesome Raesh.

Anyone recommend a place to train climbing at 29 ranks on Ratha? Everything is either too hard or too easy, and won't teach either way.

Why does climb practice have a upper difficulty cap anyway? Seems like a waste.
Re: All this climbing back and forth is NOT getting a bit tiresome. 07/25/2012 09:46 AM CDT

You should be able to climb practice at the base of the cliff, from the first tier to the second tier. room #230 if your using automapper.
Re: All this climbing back and forth is NOT getting a bit tiresome. 07/25/2012 10:25 AM CDT
>You should be able to climb practice at the base of the cliff, from the first tier to the second tier. room #230 if your using automapper.

Last I tried it gave me the too hard messaging, but could have been a different room/cliff. I'll check again.
Re: All this climbing back and forth is NOT getting a bit tiresome. 07/25/2012 11:34 AM CDT
I didn't bother with climbing on Ratha, but went to Aesry with 35 ranks and now it's over 100 just getting back and forth from town to the hunting areas.

Elvis has left the building.
Re: All this climbing back and forth is NOT getting a bit tiresome. 07/25/2012 01:09 PM CDT
>I didn't bother with climbing on Ratha, but went to Aesry with 35 ranks and now it's over 100 just getting back and forth from town to the hunting areas.

Which is great except I'm starting to need a few ranks in climbing to circle. Is there anything on aesry that's huntable by a bard around 100 ranks?

No meys.
Re: All this climbing back and forth is NOT getting a bit tiresome. 07/25/2012 01:27 PM CDT
>>Is there anything on aesry that's huntable by a bard around 100 ranks?<<

There's blood wolves and bobcats. I know blood wolves will take defenses up to mid 120's. First tier snow goblins start about 110. I think you would find Aesry well to your liking. I know I have.

Elvis has left the building.