Boxes 07/10/2018 10:07 PM CDT
There a tweak to boxes I do not know about? Boxes I can normally disarm blind have become deadly. Three deaths recently and as a result I can not learn locksmithing now without dying.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: Boxes 07/10/2018 10:10 PM CDT
Fully spelled up too when I am attempting.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: Boxes 07/11/2018 09:53 AM CDT
Bad bonus? Hidden wounds? I haven't noticed any changes with the boxes, but I'm at the top end of what should be teaching me right now.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
Re: Boxes 07/11/2018 12:59 PM CDT

Disarm blind is just asking to die. I always use disarm careful regardless of difficulty. If I need to extend learning from the box, I will pick blind after its disarmed.
Re: Boxes 07/11/2018 02:45 PM CDT
I do not think its a bad bonus or wounds. The first time it was a resusicant box and the next two times were storm giants. Using WOTP and HOL with 28-29 minute cast time. Typically, on these boxes, I get the trivial matter message however, the three times I died, I got the "with time" message before they blew. I always just disarm default. All three failed disarms blew off my hands and arms in addition to other damage and because of the stun could not run to empath fast enough. Oh, one other time that I did not die was from a shock box that gave me a nerve and neck bleeder. Sometime over the weekend, I started noticing that the box drop rate seems to have slowed and have been noticing that many of the boxes I am finding now from storm giants have "long shot" and above messaging and as result, I am just storing them in my pack.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: Boxes 07/11/2018 09:00 PM CDT
Sorry, not storm giants. Too many years of playing d & d. I mean sky giants.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: Boxes 07/12/2018 03:58 AM CDT

As a barb with 795 ranks in locks im pick careful and rarely blow boxes. I am popping 1st teir xalas.
Re: Boxes 07/12/2018 09:44 AM CDT
Me too. Thats my point. I can pick first tier xala boxes. Now all of a sudden I can not disarm resusicant or sky giant boxes.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
Re: Boxes 07/13/2018 07:20 PM CDT
No idea about a change, but the way Locksmithing exp and risk works is a bit screwy. Right now, it really doesn't make sense to even attempt to disarm many boxes because the risk of death is too high - not on a single box, but as part of a regular training activity.

For practical advice, disarm careful, and milk exp with pick blind (with armor if you only have a couple boxes). Pretty much zero risk, good experience.

But now that pre-disarmed boxes are a commodity, I think it's worth looking into revamping the risk/reward calcs.
Re: Boxes 07/13/2018 07:49 PM CDT
Popping boxes is virtually the only way most HLCs die.

If boxes interacted properly with abilities and buffs it'd be less of an annoyance.
Re: Boxes 07/13/2018 09:06 PM CDT
>Popping boxes is virtually the only way most HLCs die.

>If boxes interacted properly with abilities and buffs it'd be less of an annoyance.

If nothing else, stats like stamina should matter more. But 124 effective stamina means nothing against the deadly traps.
Re: Boxes 07/14/2018 08:52 PM CDT
I am just coming into this lockpicking range as well. I feel that the clay traps and the moongate traps themselves are a separate level of difficulty from all of the (mostly) non-lethal ones that have come before.
Re: Boxes 07/16/2018 10:03 AM CDT
Box damage is definitely not in-sync with the way the rest of combat damage has been reassessed for 3.0. It definitely needs some kind of TLC.

Echoing what others say, definitely use disarm/disarm careful (my disarm script treats the more fatal boxes more seriously). I get my extra EXP from harvesting parts (despite not playing a Thief) and being more reckless with picking.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.