Locksmithing is out of control 05/21/2014 05:53 PM CDT
Was in perfect health, picking boxes AT LEVEL and blew up a box:

You carefully work at disarming the box.
You make a small hole in the side of the box and take deep breath to blow the powder free but a hint of smoke causes you to stare at the keyhole in amazement. With a sudden "Kaboom", the mahogany box shatters in your face and sends tiny projectiles flying everywhere!
Your inept handling of the box sends the majority of the projectiles ripping and tearing straight through your body, until you collapse to the ground as a mere mutilated husk.
You are stunned!
Roundtime: 8 sec.

Your body feels extremely beat up.
Your spirit feels full of life.
You have a crushed skull with horrendous wounds, a shattered neck with gaping wounds, a shattered right arm with gaping wounds, a shattered left arm with gaping wounds, a shattered right leg with gaping wounds, a shattered left leg with gaping wounds, a shattered right hand with gaping wounds, a shattered left hand with gaping wounds, a shattered chest area with gaping wounds, an abdomen deeply gouged with gaping wounds, a shattered back with gaping wounds, a bruised, swollen and shattered right eye, a bruised, swollen and shattered left eye.

Area Rate

head severe
neck severe
right arm very bad
left arm very bad
right leg very bad
left leg very bad
right hand heavy
left hand heavy
chest severe
abdomen severe
back severe
right eye moderate
left eye moderate

It knocked my vit to 43%. And stunned me for 25 seconds. I pulsed once during that time and was at 5% vitality.

Someone needs to look at locksmithing because every type of trap is lethal now days AT LEVEL.

This makes me consider never training locksmithing again. I die more from boxes then hunting or any other thing in the realms.

The stun time for this trap needs to be done away with or the overall damage needs to be lowered so players can actually DO SOMETHING in response to mishaps.
Re: Locksmithing is out of control 05/21/2014 08:06 PM CDT
I was wondering about this pretty recently. Would like to see locksmithing skill help reduce the damage that a trap can cause.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Locksmithing is out of control 05/22/2014 09:10 AM CDT
The part that I find most amazing is that someone trying to open a box with an exploding trap on it actually being dumb enough to stare at the hole when it starts smoking instead of dropping/throwing the box as far as they can to reduce potential injury when it goes boom.

The bleeding rate and vitality issue was being looked based on a thread dealing with sorcery backlash, maybe this can/will change at the same time.
Re: Locksmithing is out of control 05/23/2014 12:26 PM CDT

I am quitting locksmithing because of this.

You carefully work at disarming the chest.
With ever so much agility, you stick your fingernail into the tip of the clay and gently slide the tiny tube out of it and toss it aside. Hrrrm, on second thought perhaps that wasn't a good idea.

Roundtime: 10 seconds.
As soon as you look up, your entire world explodes in a crash of deafening sound and searing heat. You barely have time to register that perhaps you shouldn't be handling things way out of your league before oblivion takes you.
Your copper chest falls to the ground.

You suddenly feel less confident about your skinning and locksmithing abilities.
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your soul and you struggle to remain tied to this world.

A chill takes the seat of your soul as your remaining spiritual strength bleeds away steadily. However, you are comforted that you have curried the favor of your god, which will greatly improve the course of your resurrection or reincarnation.

Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 115 minutes.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Re: Locksmithing is out of control 05/25/2014 12:18 AM CDT

Is there any way so far to reduce the damage of a trap at all? I'm not sure but I don't think combat barriers such as Aspirant's Aegis and Minor Physical Protection help. Is a box blowing an actual attack? Perhaps we could be allowed to take more precautions such as wards and such?
Re: Locksmithing is out of control 05/25/2014 11:24 AM CDT
You say at level, but give no info. Where were the boxes from? What is your locksmithing skill? What is your stamina? Did you have any armor on? Did you have any wounds? If thief, what is your confidence and were you in the city? If ranger were you not in a city?

Re: Locksmithing is out of control 06/16/2014 06:39 PM CDT

i tend to stick with an area's boxes until i practically stop learning from them while picking them blind. best way i know of to be ready for the next level of boxes