Ok, so the Subject line is not exactly a guild, but I'm thinking outside the box, here, but for the sake of talking about a suggestion for a guild, let's call it a "guild" then.
Required: a cleric of circle 50 or better with the knowledge of Murrula's Flames
If the cleric meets the requirements, he or she would seek out entry to the Necromancer's Guild with the intent to betray their guild and the gods themselves. The cost upon entry: the sacrifice of their own life and, using a twisted form of Murrula's Flames, rise as an Undead - the Unholy
The result: a much more potent form of Necromancer, one that is truly Undead. A necromancer that is impervious to unblessed weapons and to all but the strongest of holy magic.
Primary Abilities: To create hordes of undead and unleash them in the form of player-run invasions against populated areas such as the Crossing. The size, strength of the undead depend on the size, strength, circle of the Necromancer.
Limitations: These Unholy share in the Necromancers ability to rise from the dead with greater ease, however, the killing of player-characters not associated with Necromancers would be limited to a handful over a period of IN-game time. Time spent outside the game doesn't count. Failure to abide by this would trigger anger from the gods - the Unholy would be "struck down" without the ability to rise from the dead, instead they'd need to depart like any other, and without being able to depart to the guild.
It would be more beneficial for the Unholy to rely heavily on unleashing invasions of undead instead of resorting to actual combat. Clerics and paladins using blessed/holy weapons or holy magic would need to take down the Unholy in direct combat. An Unholy that is defeated using holy magic or a blessed weapon would die in a way that is similar to being "struck down" by the gods with the same penalties, as if the Necromancer had killed to many in a too short period of time.
So this isn't so much a new guild, as a transformation from one guild to another.
Just a suggestion.
Re: The Unholy
04/14/2013 11:39 AM CDT
I'm a big fan of allowing players to embrace a more evil pathway, especially if you don't want to start a new character as a Necromancer. Eventually the three magic Guilds are going to have Guild sorcery books, which I think is a good first step. But I wish other guilds had opportunities to betray the establishment and go rouge, be it working with Necromancers or some other evil organization.
"Bards are widely regarded as excellent storytellers, but terrible cosmologists." - Armifer
"Bards are widely regarded as excellent storytellers, but terrible cosmologists." - Armifer
Re: The Unholy
04/14/2013 10:02 PM CDT
I'm almost certain Book would be very wary about allowing a "former" cleric into the fold, and it makes sense -- how does one truly judge loyalty? The words "I was spying all along" ring very true, and as it is, I'm almost certain that there were people who joined Book's guild just to take down the names of those who came through the common area in the manner people used to use Thief alts. That's one thing, but to allow a Cleric, with the ability to destroy all the work Book has done would be probable suicide.
That being said, the perverse cults might be more welcoming. I like the idea of being able to turn your back on your guild in a formal (rather than an informal manner) akin to what's been discussed about Redemption.
You typed Roar Help. Good for you!
That being said, the perverse cults might be more welcoming. I like the idea of being able to turn your back on your guild in a formal (rather than an informal manner) akin to what's been discussed about Redemption.
You typed Roar Help. Good for you!
Re: The Unholy
04/14/2013 10:50 PM CDT
Um, if you want to be a necromancer, roll one up. Not sure Im a fan of allowing a guild to swap into another guild, especially swapping into another guild and have perks over said guild. That being said, I am all for a system that lets people ally with necromancers if they choose, complete with trainers inside the halls and social outrage mechanics. Not sure clerics would be a good fit though, them needing to rely on the gods for their spells and all. I think at one time there was talk of an alignment system, but I think it died a decade ago.
Re: The Unholy
04/15/2013 02:06 AM CDT
Heh. Just ask for a system for a PC to volunteer to be a Risen.
That would be hilarious.
Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
That would be hilarious.
Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Re: The Unholy
04/15/2013 11:12 PM CDT
>>>I think at one time there was talk of an alignment system, but I think it died a decade ago.
I think that is something that might still be in the works. Having said that, being a dark cleric might make one evil, but such a cleric is still holy which is a world of difference from the unholy evil of a necromancer. This suggestion is more akin to a cleric forsaking the gods and embracing whatever force\being empowers necromancers from behind the scenes.
On the other hand, it seems a bit unfair to create a mechanic that would allow a cleric to become "a much more potent form of Necromancer, one that is truly Undead".
Re: The Unholy
04/16/2013 08:39 AM CDT
Necromancers are already going to get a Lich state, which is obtainable only through powers which the gods won't grant. So it doesn't make much sense for a cleric to be able to become undead somehow without the gods will. They don't know anything about thanantology. I suppose they could learn something of it if they had forsaken the gods, but It would be more reasonable that if they went that route, that they would instead draw their power from a demonic entity.
Re: The Unholy
04/16/2013 08:51 AM CDT
Why not just roll a necromancer and RP that you used to be a cleric?
Re: The Unholy
04/16/2013 08:55 AM CDT
because the OP ain't got time for that.
Blackguard Danoryiel
"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
Blackguard Danoryiel
"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
Re: The Unholy
04/16/2013 09:25 AM CDT
>>because the OP ain't got time for that.
And I ain't got time for ditching my current necromancer to play a cleric first in order to somehow be a better necromancer in some convoluted RP scheme that basically amounts to the OP not wanting to make the character they actually want to play. Ain't nobody got time for that. <G>
And I ain't got time for ditching my current necromancer to play a cleric first in order to somehow be a better necromancer in some convoluted RP scheme that basically amounts to the OP not wanting to make the character they actually want to play. Ain't nobody got time for that. <G>
Re: The Unholy
04/16/2013 10:41 AM CDT
All this being said...
I've always thought it's be cool to be able to "switch" into the necro guild from another guild at any level (garden-variety necro, mind you, not anything special). All the NPC necromancers began as a different guild, and it could lead to some really cool RP, events, and reveals if PCs could do it, too. The drawbacks would be having to stay a necro until rerolling and having your thanatology start at 0 regardless of previous level. All other skills remain the same, except your previous guild-only skill, which gets fried out of your brain during the conversion ritual. Also, all spells and abilities are wiped, too. And you go into TDP debt for all TDPs gained from circling in your previous guild.
Doubt it'll happen, but it'd be super neat.
Re: The Unholy
04/16/2013 10:57 AM CDT
>I've always thought it's be cool to be able to "switch" into the necro guild from another guild at any level (garden-variety necro, mind you, not anything special).
You can...
>check in reroll
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity suddenly moves away, giving you a wide berth! It goes without saying you'll be wanted for forbidden practices in The Rakash Village.
You can...
>check in reroll
"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity suddenly moves away, giving you a wide berth! It goes without saying you'll be wanted for forbidden practices in The Rakash Village.
Re: The Unholy
04/16/2013 02:20 PM CDT
>>Bisclavret: I've always thought it's be cool to be able to "switch" into the necro guild from another guild at any level (garden-variety necro, mind you, not anything special). . . . The drawbacks would be having to stay a necro until rerolling and having your thanatology start at 0 regardless of previous level. All other skills remain the same, except your previous guild-only skill, which gets fried out of your brain during the conversion ritual.
Being able to switch guilds is an interesting concept, but in actual practice I think there would be a lot of metagaming. People would just treat this as Commoners 2.0, using some other guild to train skills that are more difficult to train as a Necromancer.
>check in reroll
Speaking of rerolling, what happens if you join a renown scroll and reroll as another guild? Do you remain on the other guild's renown scroll?
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Being able to switch guilds is an interesting concept, but in actual practice I think there would be a lot of metagaming. People would just treat this as Commoners 2.0, using some other guild to train skills that are more difficult to train as a Necromancer.
>check in reroll
Speaking of rerolling, what happens if you join a renown scroll and reroll as another guild? Do you remain on the other guild's renown scroll?
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: The Unholy
04/16/2013 03:00 PM CDT
>>Speaking of rerolling, what happens if you join a renown scroll and reroll as another guild? Do you remain on the other guild's renown scroll?
Yes, until the scroll is reset or someone knocks you off.
Ryeka and the brood
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Yes, until the scroll is reset or someone knocks you off.
Ryeka and the brood
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: The Unholy
04/27/2013 10:22 AM CDT
<<To create hordes of undead and unleash them>>
I do not agree that players should not be able to RP a transition unless it is supervised by a gm and you lose everything and essentially reroll. Feel free to roll into the moonies and badgate the world into nothing.
I do not agree that players should not be able to RP a transition unless it is supervised by a gm and you lose everything and essentially reroll. Feel free to roll into the moonies and badgate the world into nothing.