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Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/18/2016 10:57 PM CDT
>>Spell Library: For Magic 3.2’s release the timer and cost (in Lirums) of forgetting spells from the Spell Library has been temporarily removed.

Quick question, are f2p's going to be able to head up there to use this? Or will they have to buy visas? I'd like to see a version of this set up in Zolurn for f2p (and for all those to lazy to make the trek to Throne City).

And Raesh, a huge Thank You for all the work you've put in to this update! It's a great improvement to the game for many guilds. Your work is truly appreciated!
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/18/2016 11:54 PM CDT

Thanks Raesh. I'm looking forward to it.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 12:54 AM CDT
<<As the title says, Magic 3.2 is getting extremely close to a release. I'm aiming for a release later this week (We're just waiting on one outstanding QC and, uh, yeah I need the messaging for the Ranger spell that's going to pick up where the old Claws of the Cougar left off.)


Elanthipedia -
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Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 04:20 AM CDT
>>Quick question, are f2p's going to be able to head up there to use this? Or will they have to buy visas?

At this time they'd need visa's. Otherwise we'd need to do blanket visas for all F2P players to P2 for... quite awhile.

The exception are Rangers who are having a fairly major restructure to their preqs. They'll have all spells wiped at first long in.


Whelp, at least someone else feels like they're behind.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 04:38 AM CDT
Oh, could I make a request? Most of the new spells listed in the document don't have their slot cost or pre-reqs listed yet. Mind adding those to the document or sharing them here? It'd help me out greatly with getting as much advance work as I can on the spell tree images as possible so they can get posted sooner on the wiki.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 06:37 AM CDT
>>Thanks Raesh. I'm looking forward to it.

Want to echo this. Thanks for all your work on this, its a very large update.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 07:49 AM CDT
Apologies if i missed this somewhere but what is the duration of the heavy TM timer? i see that it will be utilized with Mind Shout and as this spell is my main debil trainer currently, i am concerned that it will impact learning since i will not be able to cast it as quickly. Thanks!

Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 09:00 AM CDT
<3 for the hard work.

Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 09:52 AM CDT


Did the mana cap changes for single target 50/AoE 150 wind up staying in or did those get changed?
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 10:55 AM CDT

Very excited! has anyone done much testing with respect to the changes to TM damage? I'm still surprised that TM damage, especially AoE cyclic TM damage was slated for an increase.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 12:20 PM CDT
>>Apologies if i missed this somewhere but what is the duration of the heavy TM timer?

I think it's 5 minutes.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 12:58 PM CDT
<<>>Apologies if i missed this somewhere but what is the duration of the heavy TM timer?

<<I think it's 5 minutes.

There's also a modifier based on skill and/or circle and/or stats.

The test server is live with this so you can go and actually see for yourself. It's coming down to the wire for pre-release feedback, but now's the time to get that stuff in before it goes live in Prime with something that you feel may not be working well.

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 01:05 PM CDT
>>The test server is live with this so you can go and actually see for yourself. It's coming down to the wire for pre-release feedback, but now's the time to get that stuff in before it goes live in Prime with something that you feel may not be working well.

I'll see if i can track down a GM for a transfer since Plat to Test doesn't transfer so well and i don't have a moonie on my prime account to really test with

Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 01:21 PM CDT
>>Apologies if i missed this somewhere but what is the duration of the heavy TM timer?

Couple of minutes. Depends on your skill and feats.

>>i see that it will be utilized with Mind Shout and as this spell is my main debil trainer currently

Keep in mind that Mind Shout is getting a fairly major overhaul and your other debilitation spells should be a lot more viable now since they'll consume vastly less mana than Mind Shout.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 01:23 PM CDT
>>The test server is live with this so you can go and actually see for yourself.

Did the test server have it's Heavy TM timer "normalized"? I know it was made shorter than normal for testing purposes, but no clue if that was adjusted back to what it should be.

>>I'll see if i can track down a GM for a transfer since Plat to Test doesn't transfer

Fixed :P

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 01:25 PM CDT
>>Very excited! has anyone done much testing with respect to the changes to TM damage? I'm still surprised that TM damage, especially AoE cyclic TM damage was slated for an increase.

I wouldn't say that AoE cyclic damage increased in any meaningful sense.

Heavy TM is still a work in progress - there's some half finished projects around it but I carved them out of 3.2 to make the system releasable since the project already grew a lot from the initial scope and kept sucking in smaller projects.

You'll note that's why there aren't really any "traditional" Heavy TM spells in the slate and BLB has been temporarily de-converted and Flashfreeze didn't end up making release.

We've come to the conclusion that making Heavy TM just a large damage nuke wasn't working for a variety of reasons (Mostly mechanical but also as something that felt "good" in DR's play style). I suspect we'll see it mostly crop up as damage spells with secondary effects (That's one of the major mechanics I had to shelf - it just wouldn't work right until the barrier work is done) or more unique and powerful spells (Beckon the Naga for example.)


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 02:08 PM CDT
My personal experience and feedback on the new Mind Shout:

I like that it's no longer tied to a moonbeam, since I can cast it indoors now. The flavour of the moonbeam was nice, but taken just on those two aspects alone losing the flavour is an okay trade off to gain the extra functionality.

At 447 debilitation, I get a cooldown timer of 3 minutes and 38 seconds without the feat and 2 minutes 38 seconds with the feat.

With a weak debilitation prediction bonus (I have full teleo corruption on Test currently, so presumably the minimum putting effective debil at 457) I still get the same cooldown timer. This is inconclusive since the skill difference is so small.

I'm not sure why such a long cooldown timer has to exist for this spell when there's multiple other examples of similar spells that don't have a cooldown. It took one of two AoE abilities that moon mages have and made it less useful. Sure it can be cast in more situations and adds a bit of capped nerve damage, but it's taken a huge hit in situations in which it previously already able to be cast.

Perhaps the cooldown timer on Heavy TM is just too long for what it achieves? The reduction from the feat seems appropriate, however, I'd be happier with a cooldown around 1 minute faster rather than where it currently is. I.e. 1.5/2.5 minutes instead of 2.5/3.5 minutes. I'm also not sure what the scaling is from skill, so perhaps that could scale faster?

>>Couple of minutes. Depends on your skill and feats.

I think the feat (and maybe skill) is set up incorrectly for Mind Shout? You document lists that it should be using Debilitation skill and mastery to determine the cooldown rather than the usual TM skill/mastery, but testing shows that my cooldown is only reduced by the Targeted Mastery feat. I don't really have a way to test if Debilitation skill or Targeted Magic skill is the skill reducing it due to corruption and the fact that my skills in those are only 3 ranks apart.

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 03:14 PM CDT
>>I think the feat (and maybe skill) is set up incorrectly for Mind Shout?

Yup. It was misflagged. It should be properly using Debil now.

>>Sure it can be cast in more situations and adds a bit of capped nerve damage

I don't think that's a fair classification of the nerve damage it can do. It's on par with Mental Blast (post 3.2) which is very nasty - to the degree that it absolutely couldn't be where it is now without some sort of cool down.

Now, is that nerve damage worth the timer? I don't know. It's a bit of an experiment.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 03:38 PM CDT
<<I don't think that's a fair classification of the nerve damage it can do. It's on par with Mental Blast (post 3.2) which is very nasty - to the degree that it absolutely couldn't be where it is now without some sort of cool down.

Yea, I went and tested the nerve damage and forgot to dis-include the word capped before posting. That said, I can still achieve the same effect of two casts of Mind Shout over the course of 3.5 minutes with 4 casts of Mental Blast over the course of one minute, so it's not that worth it for the nerve damage tbh since I can achieve a better and faster effect using the single target version. And that doesn't even count creatures that have replaced those I've killed off in the 3.5 minutes it takes me to be able to recast the aoe effect.

I.e. for my current situation on test:
1st cast of Mind Shout: The armored warklin has difficulty controlling actions.
2nd cast of Mind Shout (3.5m later): The armored warklin has complete paralysis of the entire body.

1st cast of Mental Blast: The armored warklin has complete paralysis of the entire body.

I do like all the other changes to Moon Mage spells. This one just doesn't seem like it went entirely in the right direction, however, although there are some positive aspects to it. I just think the cooldown is a bit long, tbh, and could be scaled a bit better.

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 08:23 PM CDT
>>Keep in mind that Mind Shout is getting a fairly major overhaul and your other debilitation spells should be a lot more viable now since they'll consume vastly less mana than Mind Shout.

good point, i'll try some of the other ones to test learning

Damian, a voice from the distant and long-forgotten past.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 10:35 PM CDT
As a magic-tert, I am really looking forward to Magic 3.2.

>>DR-Raesh: The exception are Rangers who are having a fairly major restructure to their preqs. They'll have all spells wiped at first long in.

I apologize if this has been addressed before, but is there a chance that the cooldown on forgetting spells could be removed for a period after Magic 3.2 to allow optional adjustment for those of us who find our priorities/prerequisites/slot costs have changed with the advent of Magic 3.2?

Currently, the 30-day cooldown means that it may take months if not years to make major changes to your spell selection. While I understand (and agree with) the goal of making spell choices meaningful by not allowing players to respec their spells at will, I think that temporarily relaxing the spell forgetting mechanics is reasonable when there are major changes to spell functionality, slot cost, and/or prerequisites.

Speaking more generally, I would like to see your spell forgetting allowance "roll over" from month to month. Currently, when you forget a spell, you cannot forget another one for 30 days, even if it has been years since you last forgot a spell. Instead, I would like to see a system where every 30 days (or whatever timeframe is appropriate), you gain the ability to forget one spell. The number of spells you can forget in one session would increase the longer you go without forgetting spells.

This preserves the game design goal of making spell choices meaningful by not allowing players to routinely respec their spells while still allowing occasional respecs to accommodate changes to the magic system and/or changes in play-style.

Thank you for your consideration.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory:

armor and shields:
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 10:47 PM CDT
>>I apologize if this has been addressed before, but is there a chance that the cooldown on forgetting spells could be removed for a period after Magic 3.2 to allow optional adjustment for those of us who find our priorities/prerequisites/slot costs have changed with the advent of Magic 3.2?

From the Change Log:

Spell Library: For Magic 3.2’s release the timer and cost (in Lirums) of forgetting spells from the Spell Library has been temporarily removed.

Rangers will just won't get an option about having their spells reset.

As an aside - we might slip slightly from my planned release. There's one project left I thought was finished that isn't so I need to quickly scope it out and see if I have the bandwidth to finish it in the next 24 hours or so.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 10:48 PM CDT
I took a quick moment to test a few of the new spells, and noticed something odd with targeted spells.

Skipping the prepare by starting with target no longer actually targets a creature. I.e. starting with target is just doing the prepare and not the target. I tested to make sure that it's a mechanical issue and not just cosmetic, but it's definitely mechanical since I can cast Frost Scythe at minimum prep just fine every time using PREP FRS, TARGET, wait for full target, CAST. I am also mostly able to cast it using PREP FRS, TARGET, wait for full prep but not target, CAST depending on how long I wait after full preparation. I.e. the more targeted it is. But I am completely unable to cast it all using TARGET FRS, wait for full prepare, CAST due to the spell not being targeted at all due to it thinking the opening TARGET verb is just a PREPARE command.

> target frs
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.

You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Frost Scythe spell.

You feel fully prepared to cast your spell. (Note that this is fully prepared not fully targeted. It never progresses to fully targeted when opening with TARGET.)

> cast
You gesture at a kobold.
Currently lacking the skill to complete the pattern, your spell fails completely.

> prep frs
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.

You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Frost Scythe spell.
> target
You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a kobold.

You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.

> cast (Note: I didn't wait for full target in this case, but did wait a little bit after full prep. If I instead use the same syntax but cast it immediately after full prep then it fails. This is expected due to skill checks and not a bug, I simply include it for completeness.)

You gesture at a kobold.
Sparkling crystals of ice appear and coalesce into a scythe of frost which flies through the air at it!
The scythe glances off its target shield.
The scythe slices deeply into its right leg, ripping the flesh open in a jagged cut that bleeds onto the ground.
The scythe swiftly melts away.

Roundtime: 1 sec.

> prep frs
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.

You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Frost Scythe spell.
> target

You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a kobold.

You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.

Your formation of a targeting pattern around a kobold has completed.

> cast

You gesture at a kobold.
Sparkling crystals of ice appear and coalesce into a scythe of frost which flies through the air at it!
The scythe glances off its target shield.
The scythe blade embeds itself nearly halfway into its abdomen, its point piercing vital organs and scraping along bone.
The scythe swiftly melts away.
A kobold wails, spins in a circle, and drops dead.

Roundtime: 1 sec.

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 10:55 PM CDT
Oh, and the most important log where the TARGET verb is able to get used twice because the first is only behaving as a PREPARE. Duh.

> target frs
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.

You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Frost Scythe spell.
> target
You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a kobold.

You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.
Your formation of a targeting pattern around a kobold has completed.

> cast

You gesture at a kobold.
Sparkling crystals of ice appear and coalesce into a scythe of frost which flies through the air at it!
The scythe glances off its target shield.
The scythe rips the flesh of its back, forcing the skin to pull away from the wound as the ice-cold blade is coated in a thin layer of blood.
The kobold is stunned!
The scythe swiftly melts away.

Roundtime: 1 sec.

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 11:01 PM CDT
I tried this in Dev, Test and Live and only once was I able to get it to fail was once in Dev where there was two goblins in the room, one dead, and a new one engaging me that I hadn't yet turned to face. Every other time the logic worked fine and was the same between all instances.

So I think it's just an issue with facing and if something is different here than in the past it's not the a change with the magic system.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 11:58 PM CDT
<<So I think it's just an issue with facing and if something is different here than in the past it's not the a change with the magic system.

I am doing the exact same thing in Prime that I am doing in Test with very different logic results.

> target sts
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.
You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Stone Strike spell.
You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a kobold.

> target
Your target pattern is already around a kobold.
> cast

You gesture at a kobold.
A small stone rock rips itself free of the earth, then splits into two jagged shards and hurtles toward a kobold!
The first shard is partially blocked as it glances off its target shield.
The first shard impacts causing a good (4/23) strike to a kobold's right hand.
The final shard is partially blocked as it glances off its target shield.
The final shard impacts causing a solid (5/23) hit to a kobold's right arm.

Roundtime: 1 sec.

> target sts
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.

You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Stone Strike spell.
> target
You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a kobold.

> cast

You gesture at a kobold.
You contribute your harnessed streams to increase the pattern's potential.
A small stone rock rips itself free of the earth, then splits into two jagged shards and hurtles toward a kobold!
The first shard is partially blocked as it glances off its target shield.
The first shard hits it in the abdomen, making it grunt slightly in surprise.
The final shard is partially blocked as it glances off its target shield.
The final shard leaves minor abrasions on its right leg as it bounces off.

Roundtime: 1 sec.

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/19/2016 11:59 PM CDT
I only noticed it because I'm at the bottom edge of being able to cast FRS, so the fact that TARGET is not actually starting the targeting process on the test server was enough of a difficulty modifier to make it fail.

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/20/2016 01:14 AM CDT
I spent a while in Test trying to duplicate this, and I couldn't. Also, I notice that in Test you're getting a blank line between the attunement message and the prep message. Might be related?

>target bos
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.
You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Breath of Storms spell.
You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a goblin shaman.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/20/2016 01:16 AM CDT
Pertinent log from Test:

Your formation of a targeting pattern around a goblin shaman has completed.

You assess your combat situation...

You (solidly balanced) are facing a goblin shaman (1) at melee range.
A goblin shaman (1: prone and extremely imbalanced) is facing you at melee range.
A grass eel (1: off balance) is flanking you at melee range.

(You are also defending against a grass eel.)

You listen intently to the air about you before voicelessly calling the ever-changing storm.
The air around you stirs in response, crackling with untamed energy, as a bolt of lightning strikes at a goblin shaman!
The bolt incinerates its left eye, leaving the side of its face a ruin of blood and bone.
A goblin shaman whimpers in rage and covers its face with the hood of its cloak. The hissing slowly draws silent as the shaman dies.
A glowing stick shatters into a million glittering splinters.
Roundtime: 1 sec.

>target bos
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.
You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Breath of Storms spell.
You turn to face a grass eel.
You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a grass eel.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/20/2016 01:30 AM CDT
<<I spent a while in Test trying to duplicate this, and I couldn't. Also, I notice that in Test you're getting a blank line between the attunement message and the prep message. Might be related?

It appears it's only on my Warrior Mage for some reason. Maybe the new spell FRS broke him somehow? It was the first spell I tried casting after logging in for the very first time on test with that character.

Warrior Mage:
> target sts
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.

You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Stone Strike spell.

> target frs
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.

You trace a careful sigil in the air, shaping the pattern of the Frost Scythe spell.

> target bos
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.
You produce an illusory coin and begin rolling it across your knuckles, focusing on the pattern for the Breath of Storms spell.
You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a mottled westanuryn.

Moon Mage:
> target do
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.
Turning your focus solemnly inward, you allow the configuration of the Dinazen Olkar spell to spread across your skin as a shadowy design of fractals and geometric abstractions.
You begin to weave mana lines into a target pattern around a sleazy lout.

> target tks
Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.
That won't affect your current attunement very much.
Turning your focus solemnly inward, you allow the configuration of the Telekinetic Storm spell to spread across your skin as a shadowy design of fractals and geometric abstractions.
You begin to weave mana lines into a targeting pattern centered around yourself that is designed to strike the avenues of attack around you.

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/20/2016 07:38 AM CDT
Per Mind Shout:

Not saying it either justifies or doesn't justify the cooldown, but I feel like the effects of nerve damage are being drastically undervalued. The defense penalty reaches a capped state, I think, as well as impeding casting and (I believe?) perception.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/20/2016 03:47 PM CDT
<<I feel like the effects of nerve damage are being drastically undervalued. The defense penalty reaches a capped state, I think, as well as impeding casting and (I believe?) perception.

It's just that we have a single target spell that does it better, so why would I want to use an AoE version I can only cast once every 3 minutes? I suppose it's a quick way to initially soften the room, but that situation changes pretty quickly as you kill things and you end up having to use the single target spell anyway to maintain stuns and reapply the effect to any newcomers. I'm okay with a cooldown on it, just not the length of it.

What I'm curious about, however, is how low those with higher debiliation than me (447) can get the cooldown to. It'd be nice to know what the outer bounds of the cooldown are.

I'm also seriously considering getting Debilitation Mastery for the first time ever. 2.5 minutes is a much more reasonable cooldown, although I think that level should be without the feat and the feat reduces that by an amount.

Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/20/2016 06:46 PM CDT
NYI: Memory of Nature: Rewrite. This was already ongoing before 3.2 started and isn’t quite ready. The old version of the spell is still on Test and may not work quite right.

I did notice this spell was going a little haywire in test. Looks like it isn't going to make it in for 3.2? Just wanted to make sure it was still on your radar so it doesn't get pushed out as is to live with the others.

>discern MoN
The spell requires at minimum 30 mana streams and you think you can reinforce it with -60 more, for a total of -30 streams.
> harn -60
Normally, smart magicians would attempt to harness a positive amount of streams.

Well, I tried.

I love some of the other changes so far. Branch br...err.. Deadfall's messaging is cool and changes based on the environment you are in.
I saw Cheetah Swiftness's pulse message changed. Interested to try it when other people are around to see if it is if other people can still see the messaging. It is a lot less noisy now either way.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/20/2016 07:00 PM CDT
>>Unfortunately "as soon as I can" is either going to mean a small ~1 hr window this afternoon or may not be until next Sunday/Mondayish (which is the same timeline for finishing Memory of Nature, the last outstanding project)


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/22/2016 06:57 AM CDT
I'm still trying to decide wht character to play. I read over the notes on 3.2 magic, and have to ask if Chain lightening is really going to become a level 10 spell? As in I would be able to use aoe damage (cl) and aoe depil (eddy) at level 20?
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/22/2016 12:37 PM CDT
>>Shockwave: Reduced to 2 slots, changed to air based damage.

Had a quick question about this. Is Air-based damage another way of saying physical (not elemental)?
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/22/2016 07:59 PM CDT
>>>>Shockwave: Reduced to 2 slots, changed to air based damage.

It's a messaging change.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/23/2016 08:54 AM CDT
>I'm still trying to decide wht character to play. I read over the notes on 3.2 magic, and have to ask if Chain lightening is really going to become a level 10 spell? As in I would be able to use aoe damage (cl) and aoe depil (eddy) at level 20?

Still hoping someone knows this answer. Chain lightning at level 10 seems great.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/23/2016 09:23 AM CDT
>I read over the notes on 3.2 magic, and have to ask if Chain lightening is really going to become a level 10 spell? As in I would be able to use aoe damage (cl) and aoe depil (eddy) at level 20?

Yes, it appears you will be able to get CL at 10th, and as long as you have ~80-100 in TM you should be able to cast it. You will more than likely be closer to 20th before you have those ranks though.
Re: Magic 3.2 incoming soon - last chance to test 07/23/2016 10:17 AM CDT
Chain Lighting was intentionally made available earlier in the Warrior Mage's career since AoE is such an essential part of the Warrior Mage identity.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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