Wild Ponies! 10/08/2006 12:08 PM CDT
We definitely need a wild pony herd. It really annoys me that people with characters from the shorter races must either buy a pony from a corral and pay much more...or buy a fully trained, ranger caught horse from a certain trader that charges only 10 plats...and then have it kneel to mount and look silly perched up there on that huge (to them) animal.

Bard Lydaiva's (and others) player
Re: Wild Ponies! 10/11/2006 09:01 PM CDT
Id really be in favor of this. Maybe somewhere in Arthe Dale.

Re: Wild Ponies! 10/12/2006 10:47 AM CDT
Or maybe out by that Gnome Village that is in the works!

Bard Lydaiva's (and others) player
Re: Wild Ponies! 06/19/2007 11:32 PM CDT
I always thought the Inkhornes in leucs would be great alternative mounts for the vertically challenged races.