Another horse idea! 12/14/2007 12:07 AM CST
Any hope of lowering the long minutes it takes for rangers to instruct horses? Im not looking for hand outs, just improvments. As is, it takes my ranger 2 hours to teach war to a horse. Why not use that as a base line, and somehow decrease that time as certain other skills and/or abilities grow. It would be so rewarding to know that the more horses my ranger instructed, the quicker it could be accomplished.
Re: Another horse idea! 12/14/2007 12:21 AM CST
Yeah.. forcing a char to idle in one spot for 2 hours spells out Force-you-to-AFK to me. At the very least give the ranger temporary ability to lead the horse around and what not, and set it up so that you can resume courses (at 10~20% increment/penalty to remaining time each time you stop, if necessary)

Reene: It's like you started writing something sane then had a seizure of some kind half way through.

XXX points at a bare spot that leads southeast into the deep wilderness.
XXX whispers to you, "OOC: type g spot for leucros."